It looks like my thyroid may have been the problem, because after only three months on my new medication, I’ve gotten myself knocked up good. I was supposed to call the fertility clinic next week to set up my medicated cycles, but I guess they’ll be getting a different kind of call on Monday!
It’s early, and I know I should wait a bit to see if it sticks before making a big deal out of it, but this is the first time in over a year of trying that I’ve ever seen two pink lines on a test, and I’m ridiculously excited. Telling my imaginary internet friends is okay, right? Just none of you had better tell my Mom yet!
Oooh, how exciting! I promise I won’t tell your mom and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! My daughter’s waiting for pink lines too so I’ll have them all crossed!
Thyroid problems can certainly cause fertility issues. In fact, the optimal ranges for the thyroid are lower than the accepted ‘normal’. Getting it under control can make a big difference!
Looks like I’m not the only one! I went to a new OB/GYN on Thursday for a routine annual and pap, and came home with a positive pregnancy test and an appointment for an ultrasound in four weeks. I went off the pill at the beginning of August so we could start trying in a few months. We were using condoms, but there was that one time we had half-asleep middle of the night sex. We’re guessing I’ll be due mid-May.
I’m scared to get my hopes up too high, since my only proof is a positive test (okay, three of them) and I know how common early losses are, but dammit, I’m excited and it’s hard to stifle it!