I just ate six hotdogs..how many can you eat?

buns included


Anything on them? Six kraut dogs is doable, if I’m not under time constraints (1 minute, for example). I can probably get 6 or 7 down easy in 15-20 minutes. I loves me the kraut dogs!

I’ve eaten 8 Weinerschnitzel Kraut dogs in a sitting before.

My record for chilidogs is 5 Pink’s chili dogs, in about 15 minutes.

Nowhere near a record, even among my friends.

dont’ know about dogs but…

I can eat 50 eggs.

How much you paying me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Zero. Hot dogs are disgusting.

Unless I’m starving to death. Then I can eat one, but it better be burned, cause that’s the only way I can choke one down.

Two, maybe three if I’m really hungry and they’re really good.

Harry Carey?

regular size?

I have eaten 8 of them at a sitting, might have had more but we ran outta buns. :

If you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself? Its a simple yes or no question!

I’m really weird. I can have one and a half, but definately not two. So, I usually have one, unless I can count of my friend to gobble down the half that I don’t eat, I try not to waste food.

(Following the trend)
You know what they should clone? Hot dogs.

An unhealthy amount

none, I read the ingredients.

I ate six once when I was at a minor league hockey game on 50 Cent Hot Dog Night. Also, a couple of times I can remember a friend and I would split a 10-pack at Weinerschnitzel.

Is there anything better in the whole world than eating hot dog after hot dog until you just can’t eat any more?


I’m not car pooling with you big guy.
[sub]“What we have here is a failure to communicate”[/sub]

I can down 55 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Take that, ** Takeru Kobayashi**!!!

Given the size of hot dogs in the UK I can eat about 50, buns incl.

Farting little bleeders they are.

…and by the way I had a chilli dog in Chicago last year, nearly took the back of my friggin’ throat out. Those red bastards they put on it should be illegal