I just did something drastic

Involving hair.

I headed into town today, 1) to further put off packing, and 2) to try to find some manner of graduation gift for my older sister.

After about four hours on the town, I do not have a gift for my sister, though I know what I’m getting her. I also have a pair of nice summer-y pants that were taunting me from the 50% off rack at Rave in the mall. I also have far less hair. This morning, it came down to my lower-mid back. Now it’s heavily layed and just barely down to my chin. I actually really like it, but I’m still reeling from the surprise that I actually did that.

That is all.

Congratulations! Did you by any chance donate your hair to Locks Of Love?

Just wait till the first time you shampoo. You’ll pour your usual amount of shampoo into your hand, then reach back for your hair – it’s not there! Where did it go?

But you get used to it. (Incidentally, a good hair chopping used to be my end-of-relationship ritual. Now, it’s just par for the course.)

I made my Locks of Love hair appointment today. I won’t be going in for a month though. That extra quarter inch may just save my sanity when they chop it all off.


My roomie’s hair looked better then it ever had before when she did it. All I want is to not look like my dad :slight_smile: Way to be an optimist, I know.

I did, actually. I didn’t arrange it in advance, as I had no idea I would be having ten inches of hair sliced off. However, as I sat down, the stylist asked if I minded donating my hair, and I said, sure. No use for it myself.

:frowning: I love long hair. That is all.

My SO claims he wants me to shave my head. I pointed out that would probably get me fired, so now he just teases me about it.

My hair was mid-back, and I had it cut to shoulder-length a few weeks ago, and today I’m going in to get it cut really short. I’m getting sick of it being in my way all the time. I like my hair, it’s pretty, but it’s very thick and fine and a general pain.

I haven’t had really short hair since my teens. Eek.

I always used to have my hair down to my shoulders. Yeah, not extraordinarily long, but it was for me. Then I got it cut in an asymmetrical bob - and I will never go back to long again. Having it short has what used to be frizz turning into my natural curls! So pretty.

I did start to think yesterday about dying my hair red…


I had hair down to my mid back in Junior High. I have it short short, a couple inches long now. I love it! Easier to take care of, cooler, looks better on me… But every now and then I will dream it is long again… I hug my hair in my dreams…

Wow, that is drastic! It will take some getting used to, and don’t be surprised if you have moments of regret. The donation of your hair is admirable.

In my past I have chopped my hair off during moments of tremendous stress/crisis. I haven’t cut my hair now, other than occasional tiny trims, since January 1994. It is long, but my husband likes it, and so do I. It must be kept subdued, and my latest idea has been to order some hair snoods, I can’t wait to get them!

Anyway, congratulations! I do remember the freedom of swinging short hair, and the incredible feeling of lightness! What a fun Springtime fling! :slight_smile:

I now have less hair than I’ve had in about ten years. Wow, this feels weird. But I think I like it.

My Ponytail is about a foot long now, I shaved my beard off last weekend, now I’m thinkin’ it’s time to do the henna thing. :smiley:

What is Locks of Love? :frowning:

Organization that uses donated hair to make wigs for cancer victims (amoung others)

