I just got my PhD!

I’ve never started a “hooray for me!” thread before now. But then I thought, “you know, six years of graduate school entitle me to one boring, self-indulgent thread on the SDMB. And even if they don’t, what the hell.”

So anyway, after six years, I just got my PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Illinois. It involved lots of research, a good amount of web surfing, some carpal tunnel, writing a 150 page thesis, and giving a talk in front of four professors who asked a lot of questions. All in all, not that bad, actually.

I will now move to California to live with my fiancee and work at a national laboratory, doing physics research. Life rules! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

(And no one should call me Dr. Giraffe. Unless they want me to, um, you know, check them out. :wink: )


Congratulations! That’s wonderful. You’re entitled to do a happy dance, start a self-congratulatory thread, and blow kisses to the crowd.

Now, I’m off to the corner to feel jealous and spiteful. Sigh.

::high-fives Giraffe [being very careful of the carpal tunnel]::

So what the heck is “theoretical condensed matter physics”? Can you summarize that for me?


Congratulations, Dr. Giraffe. [sub]Hee, hee.[/sub]

I’ll do a happy dance for you. ::dance, dance, dance::

I am jealouse that you are done with college. Unless there is something else after a PhD. Then I will never be finished. I won’t think about that, or I will cry. I need to be happy for your sake. ::happy, happy, happy:: :wink:

Wait…if I remember right, that defense was scheduled for 1:30. Which means that posting to the SDMB was one of your first priorities after finishing. Now that’s Doper dedication!

Anyway, congrats from over here in the astronomy building!


Congratulations, Doctor. That is a huge and impressive accomplishment, and you have the right to be proud!


Wow! Many many congratulations!
:smiley: Quite deserving of a thread if you ask me…

Hope all goes well in California and I wish you the best with your fiancee.

All right! Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Dr. Giraffe! Dr. Giraffe! I’ve got this bump on my hiney…

I am so kidding.

That is the best thing anyone has said all day! Wow! You should go out tonight and drink lots or very good red wine with Italian food (see, in my world, when we celebrate, we have some food with our wine. It’s so much better this way).

Color me in awe. That is truly impressive.


Twelve syllable degree!
Best wishes Giraffe.

[sub]P.S. I sure hope you remember the Attack Haiku thread, or I am going to look like more of a goof than usual.[/sub]

Impressive. Most impressive. Congratulations!

I thought to myself, “Well, hell, I’ll just do a bit of surfing on that very topic and see if I can’t do my good deed for the day.”

After finding a summary of engineering research on theoretical condensed matter physics, with subjects such as [ul][li]Andreev Interferometry as a Probe of the Pseudogap State[]Electronic Liquid Crystal Phases of a Doped Mott Insulator[]Novel Coexisting Density Wave Ground States and Superconductivity in Organic Charge Transfer Solids[/ul]I decided that I’ll rather defer to the person with the degree in this very subject.[/li][sub]I want my Plutarch. He never talked about things like that.[/sub]

WOW! Congrats! (can I touch you?)

I’m halfway to my BS, maintaining a 4.0.

I am but a puling babe compared to your academic loftiness!

A much deserved, well earned congratulations. They don’t hand out PhDs in boxes of crackerjacks! Especially in your chosen field!

I’m properly impressed - many congrats!

Congratulations! That’s an impressive achievment. You should hook up with Chronos; you two have much in common, I’m sure. He’s currently working on his doctorate in relativistic physics.

Congratulations! Man, now I’m jealous. I want my Ph.D.!

Congratulations, Giraffe! Are you done, done, or do you still have revisions to make?

BTW, if you add water, do you get a 350 page thesis on Theoretical Physics?