I just got off the phone with Rose Marie!

I always thought they should have cast Rose Marie—rather than Colleen Dewhurst—as Murphy Brown’s mother. Nothing against Miss Dewhurst, but Sally Rogers really WAS Murphy Brown’s mother.

P.S. When I turned 40 and was still unmarried, the Spinster’s Committee issued me my two cats and a black velvet bow to wear in my hair.

Omigod, I just now realized that I am OLDER THAN SALLY ROGERS. Rose Marie was only 38 when that series went on the air . . .

. . . I have to lie down for awhile now . . .

Wow! Only two degrees of separation between me and Rose Marie!

A friend of mine had a college friend from New Rochelle whose parents were named - get this - Millie and Jerry. I kid you not. My friend and I visited his friend in New Rochelle and had dinner with her, Millie and Jerry. Then we walked around the neighborhood until we found the real Bonnie Meadow Road. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Rob, Laura, Sally and Buddy had shown up after dinner to tell a few jokes and to sing a few songs.

I think Tom Lehrer summed it up best when he said “When I consider what I’ve accomplished in my career, I’m disheartened by the realization that when Mozart was my age, he’d already been dead for seven years.”

I can’t believe you folks all actually believed that saccharine Rob and Laura facade.

It is a well known fact that they avoided all physical intimacy, for the simple reason that Rob and Jerry were homosexual lovers. Surely you haven’t forgotten the dominancy squabble when they bickered over who would have to call the other “captain”.

And you wondered why they never went into too much detail about what Laura did at home during the day? That’s because she and Milly were hooking out of their homes, with Mel as their pimp.

Sheesh! To hear you guys talk one would almost think DVD was a light-hearted comedy romp, instead of the tawdry glimpse into the belly of the beast that it was.

I think you’re confusing the DVD Show with some of MTM’s later work - The MTM Show. The sexual tension between Ted Knight and Lou Grant was palpable, and Murray was a repressed homosexual if I’ve ever seen one. It was pretty obvious that Rhoda and Phyllis were running an escort service out of their apartments and that Sue Anne Niven was an insatiable nympho-smack addict. The subtlety of Georgette’s perversions is so great that even I shudder to think what may have been going on in that child-like brain.

“A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants.” Indeed.

Rob and Jerry, lovers?? Naah. Jerry would never leave Goddess Millie for that bag o’ bones.

Mel Cooley and Alan Brady, on the other hand…