I just saw The Matrix Reloaded (very minor coded spoilers).

A friend of mine got tickets to the screening at WB studios and very graciously invited me, knowing how jazzed I’ve been about seeing the movie. It was awesome! The action was great and everything that I expected. But, it was also, annoyingly,

a lot mushier than the first one. I like my scifi to be scifi and there was so much kissing/making out/etc., that it got tedious to me. Yes, some romance is good, but I thought there was too much here.

There was much more technobabble than the first and I had a really hard time following. That was a bit annoying, because it made much of the dialogue hard to follow. So, my brain was starting to hurt, and I guess they realized when people would start to drift, because thankfully, they would have another action scene!

I’m definitely going to need to see the movie again, but I think I’m going to pay a LOT more attention to the dialogues and see if I can make a bit more sense out of them.

Okay, since the movie is now out, I’m bumping this to see if anyone else has seen it yet and to get opinions. Anyone?

def. dream with in a dream stuff. i liked it, i’m gonna see it again this weekend. perhaps it will make more sense the second time around.

neo did not get as dusty this time.

With The Matrix, you could easily look at it as an action film with an incidental philosophical plot. This allowed people who did not find the philosophy worthwhile to dismiss it. In The Matrix Reloaded, philosophical questions take no such back seat, so it’s kind of hard to ignore them and enjoy it as “just an action movie”. I’m surprised I’ve only read one really, really bad review of it. I’m expecting plenty of people to hate it.

I loved it myself. :slight_smile: And not just for the special effects.

I was reading about the heavy influences of Buddhism and Christianity of the Wachowski brothers and how that entered the movie. Plus the fact that Neo is dressed like a Jesuit priest. And the mention of the Merovingian, the power behind Catholicism.

When they first said his name, I thought he was the Merrill-Lynchian. Did figure it out on my own eventually, though, so I’m not totally stupid.