I just saw the Netherland's women's soccer team naked. . .

. . . . and they are unbelievably hot!! We can’t link to noody pictures on this board, so you’ll have to Google it, but trust me, they are WORTH the effort!

Okay, these pics apparently date from 1998, so maybe this ain’t exactly breaking news. Still definitely worth a look.

Have to agree re the hotness.


Physically fit nekkid wimminz.

Yum, I say.

Me wanna see! Me wanna see!

[sub]Ohp, there goes being gay. Or is he just fooling himself…?[/sub]

lizard–please e-mail me the web address.

My link is available at the bottom of my post.

I googled it, but I don’t think I saw much. The raciest one was a soccer team with their ahem backs turned. But the group did not look like they were fom the Netherlands.

I second Bosda’s notion.

Ahem… Me too, please… :slight_smile:


Try substituting “Dutch” for “Netherlands” in your search. And they are nice.

I believe the Brazilian national women’s soccer team was in Brazilian Playboy a while back (like June or so). An intelligent, driven Google user should be able to find pictures.

Was I the only one who read Neanderthal’s woment’s soccer?

I thought so.


I did that. Though what it actually says is bad enough in a public computer room :smiley:

Are y’all talking about the one that’s in “gallery one”, of this page, on the far-left of the middle row?

Mods, I think the link is safe for work:

(Although the pic in question clearly does show some nudity, there’s no boobies or pudenda, and I doubt anyone outside of John Ashcroft would raise an eyebrow.)

At any rate, that pic keeps turning up when I search for “dutch women’s football team” and variants thereof. I’m pretty certain that they’re a bunch of models, though-- they sure don’t have the shapely, <twitch> muscled, <perspire> capable-looking <faint> calves that I normally associate with football, rugger, and field-hockey playing women.

Not to say they ain’t purdy and all.

If this isn’t the pic in question (and even the “dutch-girl” hat doesn’t convince me of it,) could someone point me in the direction of the genuine article?

If you google

  netherlands womens soccer team nude

and click the first link, you will see some nice pics of the team, including boobies, buttocks, andpubic hair. No split beaver action, sure, but still.

ahem For the benefit of those less adept at Googling porn (is this really a skill I want to brag about?) here is how to foind what I am referring to:

1- go to Google.com
2- type “sports girls anna kournikova” and hit search
3 - The website where I got an eyeful will be the second-to-last listed, headlined “Girls and Womens in World Sports,” complete with grammatical error.
4- After you’ve clicked on “Enter” to get into the site, scroll down to the link to “Dutch Women’s Soccer team,” or click on “football” under the “By Sports” listing.

These pictures are quite tastefully done, and I can see why some people think these women are models. Most of them could be models in the U.S. but the names on the pictures are definitely Scandinavian/Nordic, or something like that.

Perhaps Coldfire could shed some light on the circumstances surrounding his national teams alleged nude status?

I’m going to Hell for this, I just know it. . . .
. . . .but at least Manduck will be there with me! :smiley:

Heh :D. I’ve been trying to find a better scan, but no luck

It is times like this that I thank God for the Google toolbar. Btw, you have to type in “Soccer”, not “Football”. These pictures are on American sites after all! :wink:

: eek: :eek :.
: eek eek eek :

Oooooh. :o