I Kissed Patch Adams on the Lips

… and if that ain’t mundane and pointless, I don’t know what is.

Did his nose honk?

It was one of the few times he wasn’t wearing it.

walks out of the thread, crestfallen

  • picks up TellMeI’mNotCrzy’s crest and give it back as they exit the thread *

So, do we get the rest of the tale, or does it remain mundane and very much pointless?

Pssst, it’s upside down! And you stole my A.

Now, if you’d poked him on the beezer, I’d be interested . . .

Clowns . . . [shudder]


I know I’m going to regret asking this, but.

What’s a beezer?

I said this post out loud to make sure it wasn’t some kind of pun like saying “you’d poked him in the matta.”

Possibly when I get home tonight.

Beezer is archaic slang for nose.

It probably would have been better for you if you’d kissed Adrian Cronauer instead.

Both men live in Arlington, VA and were played by Robin Williams in movies. Adrian is a good Republican, though.

Ah. I was wondering where you’ve been; haven’t seen you posting much since I got back.

Well. That explains it, then.

I guess… I’ll be going… :dubious:

Agreed. My SO met the doctor when he was shopping in the grocery store where she cashiered. Her opinion of him can be summed up in two words from the first sentence of The Shining: officious prick.

I met him about six years ago when he spoke at our college. My opinion, and as far as I could tell, the opinion of everyone around me, was that he as a stupendous ass. He was a smelly, self-important, lecherous quack. Not that I have any strong feelings on the matter. :wink:

Admit it, you’re just jealous that you didn’t get to engage in a kiss on the lips.

Actually he’s not. I just got back from spending a weekend with him at a retreat in Rowe, Massachusetts. Given he is a man with strong opinions and will let you know what he thinks, but he is one of the kindest men it’s ever been my pleasure to meet and possibly one of the wisest. Don’t make up your mind by the movie; he dislikes it intently and it doesn’t give a fair picture of what he’s all about.

I think the weekend with him may have changed my life in ways I may not understand for a good long while.

Was there tongue involved?


Just what kind of slut do you think I am? :smiley:

walks out of thread, crestrisen

(cause it was upside down, you see.)