I like my women like my ____

(or men for that matter)

So, I like my women like my eclairs, chocolate on the outside and cream on the inside.

I was really trying not to think up a dirty example too. Oh well. Now it’s your turn :slight_smile:

Perhaps better in the Game Room? I like my women like my moderators, smart, sassy, and carrying a big stick. Wait, no…

I’ve always said:

I like my women like I like my beer; strong and bitter


Eddie/I like my women like I like my coffee, in a plastic cup/Izzard

or covered in bees

I like my women like I like my politicians. Dirty, filthy scumbags who will stop at nothing to screw me.

whiskey. 12 years old and all mixed up with coke.

coffee. Ground to tiny pieces and stored in my freezer.

coffee. Strong, black and bitter.

coffee. Hot, sweet, and full of liquor. :slight_smile:

outlierrn, you forgot “hot and strong. With a spoon in them.”

Like Henry Kissinger. He worshiped Dick.

I like my women like my rental cars: full of gas and warmed up.

or…I like my men like I like my coffee: hot, strong, sweet and blonde.

I like my women how I like my software - illegal, made in China and full of viruses.

I like my women how I like my thermonuclear war - hot, brief and leads to ruin.
Not to mention the afterglow.

I like my women how I like my crackers - falling to pieces in my bed and making me itch all night.

I like my women like myself: borderline psychotic.

I like my women like my public transport system: it doesn’t always take me where I want to go, but it does take me to some interesting places (even if it is a bit slower than my driving there myself).

Coffee: hot and wet

Coffee: hot, brown, shipped in from third-world countries and available on any street corner for a buck and a half.

…art collectors. Always looking for a good painting.

…like my taxidermy; dead, but posed in an uncannily lifelike posture.

You boys need some serious counciling.

Are you saying you like your men like you like your sex counselors? Eager to get you on the couch and talk about your fantasies?