I Like The Mindy Project

Yeah, so there. I think it is funny. It’s not groundbreaking, but its funny,what more do I need? Am I alone in this sentiment? (BTW it has been picked up for a second season)

I liked the first few episodes but my interest waned around the time Mindy and her boyfriend had that weird breakup. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I don’t feel like the writers have any kind of arc- maybe it will improve in the second season. I mean, I’m still watching it when it’s on but the periodic long breaks between episodes isn’t helping.

Can’t watch it. Mindy Kaling is one of the ugliest women I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe the guys on the show would all be going for her (based on the promo and commercials I’ve seen)

I like it. I like Mindy, I read her book.

Now, the Mork project I would probably be interested in.

Me too, I think it’s funny and quirky. Not ashamed.

It has grown on me.


If I met her on the street, she would be an ordinary, not-gorgeous-but-not-ugly person. But she’s got an infectious sense of fun and whimsy. She comes off as the kind of person I wouldn’t mind knowing in real life.

It’s ok. I have my DVR record it every week. And it is getting better as it goes.

I was very disappointed that Fox didn’t give Ben & Kate (which aired at 8:30/7:30 on Tuesday on the other side of New Girl) an equal chance to succeed as they did Mindy. Thought Ben & Kate was strong right out of the gate while Mindy wandered in the wilderness chucking out some characters and bringing in new ones. Where have you gone Stephen Tobolowsky (besides getting killed off on Justified)?!

That’s pretty much how I feel. I really liked the pilot and loved the second episode, but nothing since then has come close to living up to those two. I liked the two-parter with BJ Novak well enough, and I even kinda like the midwives, but it just feel like this show is made up of pieces that no one knows how to assemble correctly.

I’ll keep watching because I still think there’s a lot of potential, but I’m hoping they manage to pull it together soon.