I love him to death, but....

Sigh. I just cleaned out Little Dude’s (my ferret) cage. I figured it was time to give it a nice once-over and clean out his nice litterbox, which he has barely used in the past few days.

So, naturally, once I put the nice, clean litterbox back into the cage, the first thing he does it waltz over to it, sniff around inside, and throw his butt right into it (sub]well, first he walked behind it and moved it to the other side of the cage. apparently he doesn’t like my interior decorating skills[/sub]). Sigh. Well, it’s a small one off in the corner, but I’m a perfectionist nonetheless :wink:

I love the little bugger.

And are they much trouble? I always wanted one but hesitated because I may not have the time needed to give enough attention.

You know, that’s pretty much what Shan-cat does after I clean his litterbox. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes he just inspects it.

They are definitely worth the trouble, but need lots and lots of attention. I try to play with him off and on for about 4 hours a day, and let him roam around for a few more. The rest of the time, all he wants to do is sleep.