Call me silly, but with all of the hostility and legal debates going on around these boards, I just want you all to know that I find (the mojority of) you all supercool!

Let’s all join hands now and make a real effort to get this message board back where it was a few months ago. When mundane was mundane, flames were on-topic and Wally used a lot less “Putzes” per day.

It can be done: I know we’re mundane enough!

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Clog boy, this is by far the most mundane topic ever. good idea though. well done!!

well, at least one person wants to meet me…


Ah, Coldfire, I love you too!

And I love just about everyone else on this board. And even the ones I don’t love, I’m still glad you’re here, cause you make it an interesting place.

This board is the coolest spot on the Internet.

I think I’m going to be sick.

Putz :smiley:

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Who was voted most like to post while drunk? :slight_smile:

hey wally, if you’re gonna spew dude… spew into this…

\ /

well, at least one person wants to meet me…


Is that the Heineken talkin’, CF? :slight_smile:

Dammit. Simulpost, SwimmingRiddles.

I’ve talked to the moderators. This thread will be taken out and shot.

And in the future, Coldfire, I’ll thank you not to start stuff like this until the pain pills have had a chance to kick in.


Awwwww, we love ya too, ya big lush.
:wipes a tear:


Ok. Normal programming may now resume.

“I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought.” - Seldom Bucket

Awwww… I think Wally needs a hug! All hug Wally!



p.s. Wally, how are you? Is the pain managable? Does the old ticker run smoother now, is it noticeable?

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I’m fine, CF. The pain is worst in the morning but it’s not really that bad. The worst is over. The heartbeat is regular and steady.

Think I’ll get a job as a bouncer at the Bucket of Blood Club.

Awwww, We love you too, CF.

We promise to respect you in the morning.

We’ll call you the next day, really.


I will not use abbrev.

You still can’t have my Bud Light…

Nobody wants your Bud Light. That’s condensed snake piss.

Coldfire and I drink Fax. Best beer this side of Mars.

Yoush guys R the bestest!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Wally, did they replace your blood with Vinegar while they were at it, or did you just not have your morning coffee yet?


Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I love you too, coldfire. Play my new game. Let’s see if we can break 1000 (the original number of Blank White Cards).


SqrlCub’s Arizona Adventure

I got a late start this morning, Coldfire. I’m having my coffee now. Once the caffeine and pills kick in, I’ll be okay. :smiley: