I met a girl at a gas station and I think I missed her call!

Today was a weird-ass…I met a girl (which almost never happens) at a gas station (which definitely never happens).

So I’m sitting at the gas station, doing what people at a gas station do, when I finish up and get ready to take off. Just as I’m about to turn on my engine, I hear a high-pitched voice to my right. I look over and see a girl, also on a motorcycle, staring right at me – she repeats what she said, which was “my bike won’t start.” Now I know how it feels to have a bike that won’t work; happened to me just a couple weeks ago even and it sucks, so how could I take off without helping (plus she was a girl – I have a weakness for girls).

I parked my bike and walked over to find out what the deal was. (by this time, she had her helmet off and looked damn cute) Turns out the (brand new) battery in her bike was completely dead. So I offer to help push-start it and she agreed, but unfortunately, the bike wasn’t having it – you could hear it try to come on, but it just couldn’t. But as it turns out, she lives just up the street (literally just around the corner from my house!!!) and she had a truck with a ramp we can load the bike up. She then asks if I can give her a lift on my bike to her house and I agreed, even though I have never given a passenger a lift before – but what could I say (say no and destroy my status as uber-man?!)? But I took it slow and got her there just fine (the handling was definitely different, but not as bad as I expected – oh, and I’m not going to lie, I didn’t exactly mind having a hot girl I just met holding onto me).

When we got to her place she asked if I could stick around as there’s no way she’d be able to roll the bike up her truck ramp without help – again, no qualms here. When she opened the garage to grab the ramp, I noticed she had two more motorcycles! I was in love (okay, not really, but this was definitely a cool chick). Turns out she races motorcycles for fun (okay, maybe I really was in love). We then head back to her bike, and after a few attempts, managed to roll the bike up the ramp and onto the truck where it was then secured. Afterward, she drove me back to my bike, which was still parked outside her place.

Now here is where things get hazy and confusing (to my inferior male mind, at least), but I’ll try and retell it best as I recall. Before I take off she says “hey, you should swing by sometime and drop off your [business] card” (for contact purposes) – I then (perhaps stupidly) told her I had them right with me and handed one over. She mentioned something about me hopefully going to see her race someday (that she’d email me or something, though I forget the specifics), then she hugged me goodbye.

Alright, so fast forward to around 5:20pm and my work phone starts ringing – only I wasn’t there to answer it! GRRRRRRR! Now my work phone almost never rings, and when it does, it’s because of other departments on the floor above who are GONE BY FIVE O’CLOCK. Which means that, in all likelihood, the call I missed was from the girl I met today! DAMMIT!!!

So that’s my story, and that’s where we stand. What’s your guy’s interpretation of that? Was she interested at all? And if so, what the hell can I do if she, for whatever reason, doesn’t call back again (assuming it was her)? She did say I should “stop by and drop off my card,” but I already gave her my card, so I lose that in! What can I do?

Well, she’ll probably call again and leave a message if she’s really interested.

I’m not really sure what else anyone can tell you. Dropping by her house would indeed be creepy if that’s what you’re insinuating.

Well yeah, that’s what I figured, but I do like to throw in a little extra drama to my posts :wink:

What about cruising by on his bike, slowly, over and over :smiley:

I’d wait a few days and then stop by her place. Just casually tell her you were looking forward to seeing her race sometime. You have nothing to lose, and personally I buy less and less into “don’t do it because it’s creepy” line of thinking everyday.

Girl here. In my opinion, dropping by would be creepy. Waiting a couple of days and dropping by would still be creepy. If I have a number and want to use it, I will.

Was her name Ethel?
[taptaptap] Is this thing on?

Or Mabel?


I’ve been out of the dating scene for decades, but this kinda pisses me off. RB did this woman a huge favor, and sounds like he was a perfect gentleman. She had no qualms about letting him know where she lived. They share at least one major interest. She invited him to drop by later with contact info (tho admittedly did not offer her own), suggesting she was not averse to his stopping by again and was somewhat interested in possibly seeing him again in some capacity.

So I don’t see why it would be any problem for him to stop by ONCE, to ask if he could watch her race, or even (gasp) to ask her for dinner. And if things don’t completely take off, NEVER stop by again. Maybe make sure you stop by in the daytime. But for crying out loud, stopping by one time is a far cry from stalking.

The Ethel thing I get, but Mabel?

Red Barchetta have you seen the movie Swingers? The answering machine scene from that movie is for sure [sub]not[/sub] the way to go.

How about not freaking out yet and giving the woman a day or two to call again?

It’s a line from Duck Soup. Groucho (as Firefly) tells Harpo (his driver) “I’m in a hurry. If you run out of gas, get ethyl. If ethyl runs out, get Mabel. Now step on it.”

Mabel = Mobil

Big difference from dropping by un-announced.

My mailman knows where I live. He knows my name. I expect him to come once a day. But if he shows up one evening around 7, I am going to be creeped out for sure.

If this girl is smart she’ll realize she called a business number after 5, and try again another day at an earlier time. She also may have called after hours on purpose, expecting to get voicemail, and chickening out.

is your email address on your card?

Wait for the race notice and GO TO THE RACE!

Thank you. I need to see that movie.

Creepy is a far cry from stalking. That’s why I said creepy, and not stalking.

Yes, he did her a favor. A HUGE favor? Eh? I’m quite sure she could have handled the situation if he hadn’t been there, even if that meant calling someone else to help her. He didn’t exactly push aside a man twisting his moustache and cut her away from the train tracks?It’s a stretch to say that telling him to swing by with his business card makes her okay with him stopping by again. Maybe she is, but that’s a big assumption.

She didn’t provide her phone number(s) or other contact information. She gave a generic “you should see me race someday” instead of a for sure time/date/etc to be sure he comes. It’s like if she mentioned to him that she sometimes sings at a club “You should see me sing sometime” isn’t really an invitation to dating.

The phone call at work could have been her, for sure. It also could have been a wrong transfer, a wrong number, someone calling the business not realizing it was too late, etc etc. The OP seems to believe that it was her. If she was calling him so quickly after meeting him, I’m quite sure she’ll call again. To think about dropping by after one (possible) missed phone call seems like seriously jumping the gun.

If you think she’s interested in you, just pick up some small token, write a little note, and leave it on her doorstep one day with your cell phone number (or a number to a phone you will always answer). Write that you hope she got her bike problem worked out, that you’d love to get to know her better, see her race soon, yadda yadda. Attach some flowers, or a small gift you think she’d like. Maybe something to do with motorcycles. If she likes you, this should let her know you feel the same.

I disagree. I can’t really see myself saying that to someone in whom I had no interest. Then again, if I was in that situation, I would say, hey, can I buy you a drink for helping me out? It seems like a weird half-attempt at initiating something.

That being said, if I want to get in touch with a guy, and he doesn’t answer the phone, I’m not going to give up for eternity. If you call someone’s work number at 5:20, it’s possible they’ve left- it’s common for jobs to end at 5.

If she’s interested, she’ll call you back. If she’s the type to take your card and never call, and expect you to come back crawling on your knees, screw her.

Might work. But I think a better bet would be to wait for a nice spring day, stop by and say “I was heading out on a ride on the bike. Wanna come?”