I need approval from a mod

about a poll I’d like to post, but I don’t know how to contact them. I want to post a poll asking women what motivates them to perform oral sex on their partners. I don’t want any lurid stories, just the facts. Would that kind of poll be okay? Thanks!

Why not ask both genders the same question?

I thought about that but, in my experience, virtually all men seem to love performing oral sex on their partners while women are often more reluctant. Hmmm. Maybe you’re right, tho’. Maybe I’m generalizing and to avoid that it would be good to ask both genders.

This sounds like something for IMHO.

And yeah, you should ask everyone.

Thank you! I will ask everyone.

Now I have something to look forward to when I return to the SDMB later

What happened to my oral sex poll in IMHO? I posted it and now its gone. I admit to having a bit of trouble: in my first attempt at creating poll answer options, some of them were too long and, apparently the poll was deleted because I couldn’t find it to correct it. I created another one and ended up with two posts. Then – poof! – they were both gone. Wha’ happened?!

It’s there. If you don’t see it, hit refresh until you do. The board is having problems, as discussed in other threads.