I went to the pound the other day to pick out a cat to replace my recently departed one and I saw this cute black kitty. Figuring that with the way my luck had been going of late, a black cat would be a good choice for me, I stared into her cage, then I noticed a little fuzzy bundle beside her. Thinking that it was probably kittens, and not really wanting kittens as well as a mama cat, I took a closer look at the other cats. Well, the little black one stuck her face into the wires of the cage and just screamed her fool head off, as if to say, “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!” Knowing that it’s always a good thing for pets to pick their owners, (and she being the only cat I looked at to be so adamant about my attention) I decided to get her. The fuzzy ball turned out to be 3 kittens, just about 2 weeks old. Right now, mama’s checking out her new digs, and the kittens are squealing away in the cat carrier. I plan on finding homes for the kittens once they’ve been weaned, but mama I’m keeping. Anybody got any suggestions for names?
Dont rush to name animals.In time you will know who they are and what they are like. My beagle is named Nordberg after the oj character in Naked Gun. She was always getting in trouble but was well intentioned. If I had waited longer she would have been named Hypertension. That is because she jumped over a hill in the park and landed on a grpundhog which she fought without making noise. Then a loose poodle and she masde no noisel. So she could have been the silent killer. point is her name fits her.
I like to have a lot of names to throw out and see what “sticks.” My last cat was a talker, and while trying to figure out a name for her, I said, “You’re really a gabby kitty, aren’t you?” As soon as I said, “gabby” she perked up and jumped right on top of me, thus her name.
This kitty doesn’t seem to be as bright as my last one. First thing she did was relocate her kittens from the cat carrier to the litter box.
She’s trying to get them litter box trained ASAP. I’d call that pretty darned smart! After all, the first thing I do with a new cat in the house is to show her where the litter box is, don’t you?
You can’t have The Magnificent Fangmeyer, because that will be our next cat’s name. It’s going to be one heck of cat, let me assure you! I can’t think of any good ones now - I’ll have to get back to you. (How about looking up African fertility goddesses? )