My brother found her in our backyard last night, shaking and hungry. So he brought her in the house and we fed her and stuff. My mom said we had to put her back outside but, if she was still hanging around when we woke up, we could maybe keep her. Well, she was and we did. So we have a new kitten. She’s adorable, pure black with green eyes. But we don’t have a name yet. Any suggestions?
Yay Silver!! I love cats (I have two of my own). Thank you for saving her!
Let me think about a name, and I’ll get back to you.
Congrats on the kitten, Silver. As for suggestions, try Hellion. I took in four and the name would be applicable to all of them–two of which are black with green eyes.
My 3 year old nephew: “I have a new kitty named Hellion!” No, that wouldn’t work. So, when thinking of suggestions, remember there is a little kid here. Thanks though.
Hey, monster! Good to see you.
So my mom, who didn’t even want this cat, is snuggling up with it, sleeping. Awww…
Yay Silver!
I want one, but where I live, you can’t have pets.
For a black cat how about:
Buttface. I’ve always wanted to have a cat named Buttface. I don’t know why, I just think it’d be so damn hilarious to have this proud and noble creature who is so beautiful have a name like Buttface. I’ve never been able to bring myself to name any of the 17 cats I’ve had this.
Good for you, Silver! Saving a kitten is the surest way to get into heaven.
How 'bout naming her “Snowball?” It has a nice ironic ring to it.
My next cat (and you cannot steal this one) is going to be named “Nature.” As in “Nature abhors a vacuum.”
That’s too smashing, Silver!
As for names, how about Ciaran (or the feminine form, Cierra/Ciara), which means “black” according the the Behind the Name website. I also think Raven has a nice ring to it, especially if you like Poe. Of course, if you want to do blessedwolf’s irony thing, how about Ivory? Then, if you find a black kitten, you can name her Ebony.
You know, considering how you came into possession of the kitten, Serendipity might not be such a terrible name…
quietgirl got a new kitten the other day. She named it Handel. The previous cat was named Wolfgang.
You could carry on the trend and name it… Schubert? Ludwig?
Or there’s my personal favorite: squishydodo.
Best of luck with the critter.
Well THAT’S odd! I used to date…well, sort of…a girl named Ciaran. I’ve never heard the name since. Thanks for bringing up some pleasant memories.
Well, I think you should name the cat Misty (as in, Miss Tique).
My mom said it has to be something that my nephew can say. (I suggested Lackadaisical.) We like the idea of using Ivory. And my mom said we could use Ebony, if we decide not to use irony.
Tis’ the season, you could call her NOEL.
How about Felony? (Saw it on a pet name web site - thought it was cute)
Speaking of Miss Tique, check your email Montfort.
So I guess names like Sweet Pussy and Shitster are out of the question?
It would be funny hearing a three yr old say, “I have to go home now. If I don’t feed and water my Sweet Pussy, she gets cranky.”
I think “Irony” would be an excellent name.
I’ll bet it’ll do your mom good to have her around the house (of course, I think it does everyone good to have a kitty around the house). Congratulations on the new kitty!
Holy triple simulpost! ::adds Noel and Felony to the list of potential names::
Me too. (And I, too, like the name Irony.)
Nice, Crunchy. Very, very nice. :rolleyes:
I clearly can not use punctuation correctly.
Lackadaisical is perfect! Just call her Daisy for short, so your nephew can pronounce the kitty’s name.
Serendipity, you rock! Now I just have to convince my mom…