I *need* your help!

For starters, don’t let your cat use the computer.

Jodi, Daikona, Dire Wolf - Thank you for taking the time to appraise my work :rolleyes: Good thing I left my feelings in the box today. :wink:

scout1222- this isn’t plagerism, but I get the impression that if not a direct rip-off, this resembles so many other pieces that it might as well be. Point taken. Thank you.

Gartog - Glad to hear you like it. I think I’ll head over to the post you mentioned and see what people over there have to say.

eirroc - yeah, I screwed this one up royally. It retrospect, what you suggests makes perfect sense. At the time, I was absorbed in keeping my cat from using the computer. Next time, though…

Thanks everyone! :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it was just the surrealism thing. I’ve never seen the film, either (although it sounds interesting). Click here for a good discussion of a remake. :slight_smile: