I now know what noise a hoise makes when it explodes



Quite loud, certainly, but not as loud as I would have expected. From my flat I could only see the roof of those houses, and the roofline now has a gap in it. Also, a thick shroud of smoke. Took several minutes for the police and fire brigade to arrive, and about ten for the air ambulance. Could briefly see flames above roof level. The street in front of my house is full of police cars and people pointlessly standing around. From eavesdropping, there seem to have been “three casualties” and “a smell of gas”.

What’s a “hoise?” House? Hose?

It’s a house noise, from what I can figure out.

Though an exploding horse is also an amusing idea.

A hoise noise is what you get when you’re hoist with your own petard. Do’h!

A noisy hoise annoys a hoister.

A hoise is what they use to cart away the boin victims of a house fire. Never seen one assplode before, though.

A hoise is a horse from Brooklyn.

No, that’s a hawse.

In Brooklyn, a hawse can pull a hoise to the cemetary.

I recall an old cartoon short with that theme. “The Mafia in the Old West” it was called IIRC.

<cowboy sitting on a horse>*

<cowboy spurs the horse in a “giddyap” gesture>

BOOM! <horse explodes>

No, no; a hawse is a hoise from texas. And it doesn’t go bang, it just goes ‘splash’.

I could fix the typo in the thread title, but where’s the fun in that?

Interesting. I would have thought it would be BOOM. BANG is just a short stabbing sound, while BOOM reverberates. Live and loin.

An exploding sheep goes


and no one knows why

Damn, all the best “loins” are taken.

From your location I think you must be talking about this. A serious explosion with people injured and two still missing. Maybe Twickster should fix the title and people should knock off the jokes.

Well now we know where the OP lives

It’s in their profile, I checked that and the posting time to see if I had the right explosion.

Buzz kill.

Ah, thought you were talking about thehouse that exploded today near my husband’s workplace. Luckily these homeowners were away on vacation.