I object to JohnClay's very existence and everything he stands for

Not really, but I thought Ellen Cherry’s mod note was hilarious.

Anyway, dude is annoying. Get a blog, already!

I would totally read that blog. Ironically, I have no interest in reading anymore of his bizarro shit here.

There’s a whole lotta people on this board that should get a blog or a diary.

Dear Diary,

I am not gay.


Dear John,
If you’re seriously wondering, then the answer is yes, you are.

The real world

Yes OK, the chap is undoubtedly a bit… unusual.

But maybe if people could interact with him normally, he might get a grasp of how the whole “posting on a message board” thing works.

You may now pillory me for being a soft-hearted and naive fool.

I agree.

If people stopped only posting things like, “Why are you here?” “Why are you posting this?” “OMG go away” “This is the dumbest thread ever?” and actually interacted with him in a message-boardy way he might become a better poster.

If you don’t want to interact with him then don’t open his threads or reply to him. It’s not that hard.

There are a lot of prolific posters on this board that whine about being the victims of bullying. They also whine about being the victim of a lot of things, but that the subject of a different thread. However, when someone new shows up here that doesn’t quite fit in or has not yet learned the atmosphere of this board, there seems to be no shortage of posters that jump at the chance to be a bully.

From my understanding, people initially did treat him with respect and civility. I think he just wore people down over time.

This isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s also fair to note that people did not always respond this way to JohnClay. Their reactions have intensified over time, partly because he always seems to have another awful story and maybe because he has started so many threads over the last year or two.

JohnClay joined in 2001. Most people didn’t notice him until recently, but he’s not new in any way.

OK, that’s fair enough. But I don’t see the need to take cheap shots at someone who seems to have communication (amongst other) issues. Goodness knows I love a bit of snark and sarcasm (the ground state of being for an Englishman) but it seems like kicking a man while he’s down, and that’s just not cricket.

Therein lies the rub.

He’s been here for like 13 years. He should have it figured out by now.

Can we change the name of The Pit to this?

Who the hell would bother to kick a man when he’s down when you have a perfectly good cricket bat anyway? :confused:

Most people find it difficult to kick a man who isn’t down.

now, this is pretty damn deep! :smiley:

Has anyone ever seen JohnClay and Wildest Bill in the same room? Just sayin’.

Gotcha ya!

(Miss you, WB, for reals. My favorite SDMB lunatic ever.)

The funny thing is he’s been alive, presumably, somewhere in the range of 3 times that long, and he seems to have figured out being alive about as well as he’s figured out posting on a message board.

**John Clay **used to be my all time favorite poster but he’s gotten really really boring lately. He used to be the perfect mix of hilarious, frightening and just sane enough that you didn’t feel like an asshole for enjoying it.

Aww. Now I’m sad.

Anyone think he might just be a troll, albeit a weird one?