I Pit Darren Garrison

I stand by everything I have said.

Yes, lots of people who are wrong stand by what they say.

Yeah, no, @Snarky_Kong. Telling another poster that is absolutely not allowed. Warning, of course, and we’ll take this up in the mod loop.


Nobody’s claiming that they were genius legal experts.

Have fun

That’s kind of an odd thing not to do, especially given that they went to the trouble to put up multiple security cameras to record trespassers.

Yeah, because nothing bad ever happens to Black guys who are chased by a couple of armed white Jethros. :roll_eyes:

Yet somehow Officer Jeff Brandenberry said,

I saw him [McMichael] and to be honest if I would have gotten a shot I would have shot him myself because he was that violent.

and another investigator said McMichael threatened him at the police station, saying

I will blow your F***** head off.

Yeah, that’s the kind of person I’d have surrendered to. :roll_eyes: I mean, no chance he was just a ramped-up violent asshole, right?

Perhaps so. Maybe the owners didn’t understand the law either, but there it stands. Site unsecured, no warning signs placed.

Well, we can agree on that.

Where I guess we don’t agree is that IMO if you’re going to chase someone down to make an armed citizen’s arrest, you better be damn sure you know the legalities inside and out. Of course also IMO you should never do so in the first place and thankfully as a result of this tragedy you no longer legally can in these circumstances in Georgia. Armed vigilantism is bullshit. But putting that aside, you better be very, very sure of yourself or you are going to prison. That was something I was taught decades ago about performing a citizen’s arrest, back in High School even. Not being a bellicose asshole looking for trouble would be wise as well.

And these gentlemen should and hopefully will be jailed for a good long time to come. I don’t believe in the death penalty, so I won’t go there. But life or a reasonable facsimile? Sure. I have no problem with ‘ruining their lives.’ They aggressively ruined someone else’s far worse based on some very weak assumptions.

Except you’re evidently expecting the readership here to believe you are. Funny thing: you’re completely wrong.

I do so love the “He attacked me because I was threatening to shoot him, and therefore my shooting him was self-defense!” arguments. History is written by the survivors.

Also, it would be helpful to have a list of which crimes it’s okay to summarily execute someone for. Thus far I’ve got trespassing, passing a counterfeit bill, and buying Skittles.

How about “Existing while Black”? That seems to be a popular crime to commit and a popular crime to kill someone for.

I endorse this pitting. What racist, ignorant bullshit.

Yep. It’s abundantly clear that the only people with a “legitimate” right to self defense are the ones carrying the guns.

I eagerly await Darren to explain to the almost 700 people at the capital riot that criminal trespass and resisting should result in the death penalty.

Ya know, he might just have a point when you consider that.

A few others come to mind.

To be honest, I don’t really think that he’s a racist.

He’s just extremely stubborn, and would rather be thought of as a racist than as being wrong.

No. He’s a racist. Anyway to twist the story so that the white people were not at fault.

Fair enough, I don’t really follow him all that closely. Just have had interactions where everything was twisted in order to prevent him from admitting being wrong. Hadn’t really seen anything blatantly racist until that thread.

But I’ll certainly take your word for it if he has shown such prolictivities elsewhere.

Here’s the thing. The murderers didn’t see any trespass on the day that they murdered Arbury. So, even if there was some Black person on video in the past who was seen trespassing on that property, it has nothing to do with what happened that day – they didn’t see him trespass, and they didn’t see the video that day.

They may have seen videos from previous days that showed a Black man. Then, on the day of the murder, they saw a Black man – I guess they think that there is only one Black man in Georgia or something?