I Pit Darren Garrison

Have to concur with those saying @Darren_Garrison hasn’t pinged my radar before this but this shit is beyond the pale. There’s no justification for going full on “Mississippi Burning” on someone for trespassing on a construction site.

Offered without further comment: It’s been very interesting watching this and the Rittenhouse case playing out in the news at the same time.

And what I am asserting is that no such thing happened. I am fighting the narrative that they deliberately chased him down with the intent of murdering him, but that instead the result was the end of an escalating chain of poor choices. Their intention wasn’t to kill him, but to prevent him from leaving until the police (who they had already called) could arrive. The shooting only happened after he turned back and attacked them.

And I also dislike the spin of calling it “a construction site” to try to downplay it. Finished or not, this was someone house. You don’t get to just walk in off the street and wander around in someone else’s house. It doesn’t matter what the excuse would have been, because there is no legitimate excuse. He was wrong for being in there, period.

Believe it or not, that’s the exact same conclusion I had about you in those threads. (I’m thinking specifically about a thread on the metal content of asteroids.)

@Darren_Garrison doesn’t come by his racism honestly. He’s a chronic know it all contrarian, and these days a great way to get your juice is to take up racist positions and defend them death.

Unfortunately I don’t think the IDW is looking for pledges in the SDMB forums.

This right here is the gist of it. It doesn’t matter if they thought he was trespassing or not.

You are not allowed to claim self-defense if you are the aggressor. You continue to ignore the fact that the killers had no reasonable suspicion to believe Arbery had committed a felony. You also ignore the fact that they were the ones who instigated the violence.

So are you of the opinion that any position that is any way negative towards someone who happens to be black is “racist”?

Remember, kids: murder is fine as long as you can string together a plausible post hoc narrative to justify it.

Then they probably shouldn’t have chased him with cars and guns.

That began with their decision to chase him down with cars and guns.

You mean after they cornered him, leaving him no where to go to escape from these people chasing him down with cars and guns?

And by attack, you mean defend himself from someone chasing him down with a gun?

Heh, yeah right.

No, it’s called a construction site because that is what it was. I take it that facts don’t matter to you if they do not contribute to your narrative?

Was anyone living there?

Plenty of people do that all the time to construction sites. They are interesting and people check them out. There were several other people on video “trespassing” on the site, why were these people not hunted down as well?

When I was a kid, there was quite a bit of development near my house, and so we’d go on walks and check them out sometimes. Lots of people do that.

Do you think it appropriate to impose the death penalty on anyone who checks out a construction site?

Yeah, that thread showed me exactly how much straw you can shove into an asteroid, and how willing you are to twist what others say as well as actual facts to avoid having to admit that you were wrong about something.

But, it turns out that you are in fact a racist as well as a stubborn asshole, I learn something new everyday.

Someone who justifies killing a black person because they match the “description” of a black person who had checked out a construction site on a previous day, while not justifying the killing of a white family for having checked out the same construction site? Yeah, that person is probably a racist.

And someone who misconstrues what others say as malignly as you do is also a stubborn asshole who does nothing but bail straw all day.

Right back at you, buddy. Everything you saw in me in that exchange, I saw in you.

Oh I’ll agree the result was very much the end of a very bad chain of very poor choices. Anything that leads to 3 men killing a single unarmed man after cornering him in a truck while trying to conduct a “citizens arrest” can’t reasonably be described otherwise. Where you lose the plot is not considering the motivations underlying that chain of poor choices. Or choosing to disregard those based on inconclusive video evidence. They jumped to bad choices based on assumptions.

That’s because one of you is projecting while the other is not. Hint: It’s not @k9bfriender .

Would you care to point out the things that I said that were incorrect in that exchange?

I have no intention of debating with you for the same reasons I have no intention of debating a brick wall. The flaws in your arguments have been pointed out to you ad nauseam.

And this can’t be emphasized enough. The defendants came after Arbury with guns unlawfully. They introduced firearms into the situation. Given the same circumstances i would expect anyone to act the same.

This is a distressingly broad statement. Literally no one here or in OT has said anything remotely like this.

Except for the people explicitly calling me a racist just for having this position.

They’re calling you racist because you’re defending racists who have done something indefensible.

Who do you think you have refuted with this? Who is saying “they set out to kill a black man”? Congrats! You’ve refuted an argument no one is making!

No; it wasn’t a house yet, let alone someone’s home. It’s being called a construction site because it was a site still under construction.

And yeah, I’ve had this poster on ignore for years because of some racist bullshit he posted. When this thread popped up, I had to see what was up and I was not surprised at what I found.