I pit DrDeth

Seems to be bucking for her own pit thread. I’m not biting.

The whining there won’t be any different than the whining here, so why bother?

Send her gifts instead. Might get better results. I hear she like Chocolate Diamonds.

Tacky, I say, but whatever.

Deez nuts.

Way back I (or someone else) used “mouth breather” as a derogatory term, and he got upset, ranting about how some people have sinus issues or some sort.

Ever since I’ve thought of him as Dr Mouth-breather.

Did he? I thought that was someone else?

I feel like that went back to the days of Clothahump.

Nope. I searched “DrDeth mouthbreather” and got eight hilarious results.


It’s also discussed way up in this very thread.

Hah, yes!

Thank you both, my memory is faulty.

He’s being more of a dipshit than usual today. In one thread, he’s saying that “slavery wasn’t important in the US until 1830”. Meanwhile, he’s still whining about how Joe Biden is still in the prime of his life and would have beaten Trump, and the nasty old NY Times conspired to push him out of office.

Lol. I actually am a literal mouth breather. Not all the time, but i have very narrow nasal passage and yes, i often breath through my mouth, especially when i exercise. I don’t love the derogatory term “mouth breather”, either. But… That’s just a dumb little hill to die on.

Yeah, i wonder if he watched that debate. Yikes.

The Party Line is that Joe was just tired, and he wasn’t really that bad, it was just the nefarious media that convinced people he was bad.

Oh yeah, he was also insulting Nate Silver today, a sure sign of idiocy. Sorry I don’t care enough to go find these posts and link to them, but at least the second two he’s brought up in multiple threads.

It’s similar to a “Karen”. Calling someone a Karen has nothing to do with their birth name. Likewise, a mouth breather can be someone who respires nasally 100% of the time.

Isn’t calling people “Karens” another thing that DrDeth considers only slightly less offensive than murder?

Exactly. Resolved it, no less.

It fits!