I pit DrDeth

I do remember that the KKK was taken to court, but the courts decided that the KKK had a right…

So the legislature found a way around that:

He has Google and “friends”.

Everybody says.

How can we be sure he’s even that? Does he even know what he is thinking at any given moment?

Check out “How do we know what accents used to be like historically?” in GQ. DrDeth is now an expert linguist.

Sure, most of us like to opine on various subjects on which we may have imperfect knowledge, but DrDeth is truly something else. He informs us that we can pick up a lot of pronunciation clues from “rimes” in old poems, adding, in his unique signature style, “Of course sometimes it is a educated guess.”

Not content with that, he then goes on to defend his spelling of “rime”. Anyone who doesn’t like it has only to consult with Samuel Taylor Coleridge to see what the correct spelling is. I have no doubt that DrDeth’s great-great-grandfather knew Coleridge personally and often consulted with him on matters of orthography. In fact I suspect it was great-great-grandfather who suggested DrDeth’s modernized spelling of “enuf” and the elimination of the article “an” from the English language, a view in which in he was enthusiastically supported by both Coleridge and the contemporaneous poet William Wordsworth, another personal friend.

DrDeth aka ‘The Ancient Mariner’. I like it! :smile:

‘We cannot choose but hear.’

The best part of that exchange was him trying to use singer LeAnn Rimes to prove that the media spells it ‘rimes’ too. It’s DrDeth in a nutshell: type a few words in Google, copy/paste without reading, and boom, you’re an expert.

In his defense, it can be spelt “rime”, as long as you’re talking about a layer of frost.

Well, in DocD’s honor, I’m going to start spelling it that way.

Makes more sense, I mean, what language starts a word “RHY-”? What a weird-ass digraph…

So I’ll be riming today, making up rimes, using Riming Slang, stopping at Rime for office supplies, maybe even swinging by Rime University…

Ya hear me, Busta Rimes?

That guy got rithm!

Spelling aside it’s a perfectly cromulent answer though. Sure he’s an ass, but dogpiling on his idiosyncratic spelling is not GQ appropriate.

Holy crap I never realized he was related to LeAnn, but now that I think of it they are practically twins!

The person I bought my farm from said that his genetic father took him to public KKK meetings in Geneva, NY; probably in about the late 1920’s.

When I first moved here, in the late 1980’s, somebody was putting up KKK recruiting posters around town. There was quite a fuss made about it (I helped make the fuss) and they went back underground again. But yes, there has been, and almost certainly still is, KKK presence in NYState.

– they’ve apparently been mostly controversial, though, rather than in charge:

There he goes again: citing whatever happens to pop up in his Google results without bothering to verify them.

He’s on fire in that thread. His comment on an actor and director collaborating to build the movie Cyborg character:

The weird thing is, “rime” does have a use that’s a little related to what he’s talking about: when teaching children to decode unfamiliar words, we often talk onset and rime.

But I suspect he didn’t know about this meaning of the word, or if he did, it was only a vague memory of having seen it somewhere, given that he’s trying to talk, not about rimes (letter-strings), but rhymes (sounds).

There’s a possibility, for example, that some old poems show two lines whose final words have similar rimes but no longer rhyme, and conclude that under an older pronunciation those rimes rhymed. But it sure doesn’t look like he’s advancing that argument. (And neither am I, FTR, since I’ve no goddamned idea whether it’s true).

I’m going to suggest his defense of “rime” as used in the Ancient Mariner was mostly meant tongue in cheek. Jumping to citing LeAnn Rimes’ name pretty well proves that.

And his “a educated guess” was a simple typo. It was bad luck to but both in the same post.

One of the problems with having developed a reputation as a thorough jerk is that even when you’re not people still score you that way.

Conversely, I’ve posted a few jerky things, mostly late an night, that got more of a pass than they probably deserved when viewed in isolation.

As the saying goes:

On the internet nobody knows if you’re a dog. Everybody knows if you’re an ass.

Woof! :wink:

“Onset and rime” is an interesting point that I wasn’t aware of. Of course there is zero chance that this jackass was aware of it either, or was here or at any other time ever trying to say anything nuanced. After all, this is the linguistic “expert” who tells us that the quote “Rimes burst on the music scene in the mid-90s” means that lyrics started rhyming for the first time in the 90s, or something, and thus vindicates his spelling. His other cites are equally asinine, but his misreading of a quote about LeAnn Rimes is a new wonder of clueless jackassery.

To be clear, in response to this and to the comment by @naita, I’m not disputing the suggestion that old poetry may give us clues about historical pronunciations. It’s DrDeth’s insistence on writing “rime”, which parallels his persistent use of “enuf” and refusal to ever use the article “an” that is really tantamount to trolling because he knows how annoying it is (though he obviously doesn’t know how stupid it is). He then suggests that we should consult with an eighteenth century poet if we don’t like his spelling of “rime”.

Incidentally, his invitation to consult with Coleridge about spelling is doubly idiotic because some of the spelling in Ancient Mariner was intentionally archaic even in Coleridge’s time, “rhyme” having come into use at some point in the Modern English period, probably well over 150 years or more before Coleridge wrote the famous poem. But “rime” here provides for multiple levels of meaning as well as creating a sense of antiquity: “rime” as in the rhymes of the poem, and “rime” as in the wind-driven frost that forms on the ship in the Antarctic fog, and by extension, the metaphorical rime on the soul of the Ancient Mariner.

Woof! woof! Wag~

No, I’m afraid you’re being much too charitable. This thread is evidence that DrDeth really is that stupid, as unbelievable as it may seem. This is pretty clear if you look at the evidence more carefully. To be fair, you can hardly be blamed for thinking “nobody could possibly be that stupid”, but sadly, you would be wrong. And no, “a educated guess” was most decidedly not a typo. His total rejection of the use of “an” under any circumstances is one of his trademark trolling tactics, just like “enuf”. In his delusional moronic mind, this is somehow “clever”.