I pit DrDeth

Your suggestion is unsupported by the facts. He takes pride in intentionally misspelling words and not using ‘an’ anywhere. He has argued about it in several threads. It’s just trolling by now.

It’s not that he’s stupid, anyone could make most of the mistakes that he has made.

It’s that he refuses to acknowledge the mistake, laugh about the misunderstanding, and move on.

For instance, if I called out @LSLGuy for saying

(my bold)
He would probably acknowledge that that was a typo. It is a minor enough typo that I wouldn’t actually call him out on it, except as an example that happens to be convenient here.

DerrDef, OTOH, would insist that it was correct usage, and that we should consult some obscure reference that made the same mistake, or used it in a different context.

@wolfpup & @Troutman & @k9bfriender: Wow. Thank you. Now everyone elses’ opprobrium here in this thread over his “rime” posts makes a lot more sense. I’d somehow not ever noticed his ongoing assault on conventional spelling. As Bugs Bunny would have said:

What a maroon!

Touché! I’d like to claim that was a deliberate double entendré on my part, but I’m not that clever or that subtle.

But I am that clumsy-fingered. Considering how far apart B and P are on a full-sized keyboard that’s quite an achievement. I blame unnoticed autocorrect fixing something even less sensible than either “put” or “but”. Yeah, that’s it: autocorrect done me wrong! :wink:

In point of fact, this is one of the ways that the people who work out the “original pronunciation” of Shakespeare’s plays/Elizabethan English use to figure out how words were pronounced back then. For example, they deduced that the words “hour” and “whore” were pronounced almost identically, to the point that Shakespeare used it to make some really dirty puns.

So, he’s trying appeal to the masses in the Whedon thread. He’s smart, he did pick the one thread where that might work, Whendonites being who they are.

I want to pre-emptively disclaim membership in any first person plural pronouns employed by DrDeth.

The classic joke, from Mad Magazine 1958:

K9bfriender is going to have a harder time detaching himself. His Firefly fandom seems to be trumping his “giving a shit about people” in that thread.

See, stupid comments like this are why people think that you are a troll, and have a hard time taking you seriously.

See, comments like this is why I know you’re full of shit.

Nope, he’s entirely right. This behavior where you randomly come in and swipe at someone in a Pit thread about someone else is exactly one of the behaviors that makes you seem like a troll. It’s not like you’re responding to something @k9bfriender said in this thread. And you do not come off as if you got so angry you needed to vent.

It is a dumb comment, too. It doesn’t actually make a case. It doesn’t put forth what he was saying, explain why it’s wrong or stupid, or anything. It’s just a gratuitous one-liner that just comes off as you hating the guy, which is not going to convince anyone that he’s worthy of ridicule.

Why is it that all of us can keep telling you that you’re coming off like a troll, and you keep saying “No, I’m not!” Who the fuck else do you think can tell you how you’re coming off? You are way too free with the gratuitous swipes at people, coming off more like trolls like @octopus. Your post 100% comes off as just intended to piss off a guy you don’t like.

(The funny thing is that I actually vehemently disagree with him, too.)

It is no less making a case than what it was replying to. Your selective moralizing is exactly why we don’t like you here.

I like BigT just fine.

I think he means well so it’s not like I hate him or anything. I was really just teasing him on his habit of speaking for the crowd.

I also just remembered that you also made light of what Whedon did in that same thread. I had to call you out for being disingenuous in your summary of another post. So acting like that’s a horrible thing comes off as disingenuous on that part.

And it’s not selective moralizing. That poster was responding to your gratuitous swipe, They get more leeway because you attacked them first. You are the one whose post came out of nowhere. His post makes sense in context.

You also conveniently ignored most of my post, and responded to me in a completely different way than when I would point out this stuff before. You didn’t object then when I tried to get you to see how your posts were coming off and how you might change them. You seemed genuinely interested in not coming off that way. You seemed to not freak the fuck out at any criticism.

Sigh. I mean, there is a point where I give up trying to help. Bu tit’s the point where I’ve actually written you off as a troll, and not just a stubborn guy with very thin skin who misunderstands some of the social dynamics here. Though, I admit, that comment to me definitely has moved me not only more towards troll, but also a sock.


I made light of the criticism laid at that point. I read a good post that changed my mind and I made that pretty fucking clear, buddy. So fuck you for criticizing me for not responding to your whole blathering post.

I really did like your post about the elevator scene.


…thank you :slight_smile: