I Pit Martin Hyde

…others have addressed the other stuff you wrote. But regarding this: that NZ born poster is a loud-and-proud pro-colonialists. If he was in America he would be waving the confederate flag.

“Maori are not indigenous” is a typical talking point from organizations like the One NZ Foundation and Hobson’s Pledge. Its nonsense. Example here:



It’s conspirational racist garbage. Martini uses the same tactics as Martin does: people believe what he says because he says them politely and authoritatively. But he does not speak for Maori.

Martin is in the same group as those that minimize that historically confirmed incidents of mass murder actually happened. Shouting it down as genocide minimization is simply speaking the truth, and the very least we can do. We need to be explicit that this is what he (and others) are doing.

Because of stuff like this.

In this post that I made a month ago I posted a link to a story that showed how 5 indigenous Australians had died already in custody this year.

That number is now 10. 10 indigenous people have died in Australian custody since March.

This isn’t history. That’s the point.