Here’s the deal. I’m renting a room in the house than I’m living in alone. The guy who was my roommate moved out for some reason or another so I have the whole house to myself. The landlord (former roomie’s dad) lives in another state and wouldn’t be able to help me anyways.
To get into the house you need to go through two doors with locks that look identical. Well, the landlord replaced the outside front door and gave me a new key. I thought he replaced both locks (they were both broken) and that this one key would unlock both doors. Not so I found out earlier today.
Yesterday I forgot both keys and locked the inside door on accident (I thought it was broke at the time and wouldn’t lock) and left the outside door unlocked cause there wasn’t any need to lock it. Lucky for me I had friends who stopped by and got me in by way of a calling card.
Today, because I thought I only needed one key, took the old key off my chain and locked the inside door again. I then realized my new key didn’t work for the inside door.
Lucky for me these friends are stopping by again and will help me get in again. I’m going to give them beer money or treat them to pizza.
I’m such a fucking idiot