I pit some of my fellow Wisconsinites

Wow, tough talk from a keyboard there, Spanky. Why the fuck are bringing pkbites into this and insulting him as well as me?

You angry, bitter little person. If it’s a pissing contest you want, I lived in Milwaukee for 20 years, ass-puncher. What the fuck does length of residency have to do with it.

Now either apologize to pkbites for dragging him into it, or admit you’re just being a jerk.

Though I’m sure that’ll happen when nonpolar becomes a mod. :rolleyes: :wally

Bias? Or simply an incompetent reporter who screwed up, and a media outlet that cut out the crap as soon as they discovered it? I don’t know, nor do you, nor anyone else here.

For all we know, the reporter who filed that story might have been standing near the one asshole in the crowd who DID boo Clinton (there’s always someone like that in any crowd, of any political leaning), and reported it assuming that the booing was echoed by others. Stupid, yes, and may well say something about the reporter’s personal bias, although it’s no secret that Bush’s base tends to be rabid Clinton-haters. I’m not excusing the reporter for making any such assumptions (if that in fact is what happened), but merely pointing out one possible reason for this error to have been committed.

I can see the AP just changing the story and leaving it at that, rather than saying something that could make the error bigger than the original story. Maybe they pulled the byline because they’ve put the reporter on probation for his crappy reporting, or even fired him. Whether the AP’s handling of this is right or wrong is a matter of judgment, and since I don’t know all the background facts, I don’t feel able to state an opinion on it.

Wait a minute–pkbites was having an affair with the soon to be former governor of New Jersey?

Come to think of it, this is kind of liberating. Since no mod has been along to say anything yet, apparently this is an acceptable tack to take in disagreeing with a fellow Doper.

Disagree with someone? Drag another’s name through the mud in an infantile attempt to insult said someone! YAY!

Nobody is safe now. :dubious:

Which is why I like it here!!:cool:

But I wouldn’t live east of 92nd street. I do have my standards!:smiley:

Or maybe Moises Alou was comming up to bat?