I pit the Gaucho

Why any female would fall into this hideous fashion trend is beyond me. Ladies. A tip. If you want your thighs to look like Earl Campbell’s, then by all means. Don the gaucho.

Maybe a gal could pull it off if she chose a gaucho in the colors of the Houston Oilers. At least then the sports adled mind of the male may take some notice.

Are these the same hideous skirt/pants monstrosities I remember from the '70’s? I was a little kid, but my mother dressed me in some. I HATED them. I still do. Is this what we’re talking about here? Link?

Satan himself dresses his demons in those hideous things. It’s what all the minions of evil are wearing these days.

I didn’t know what gaucho pants are, so I looked 'em up on Google. This is the first hit I got, and I figured out very quickly that they’re ugly pants.

Then I saw the price tag. Speaking as a guy who really hates smilies, :eek:. $900??? Does it come with a remote control kinetically-powered tongue in the crotch? I can’t think of anything else that would justify that sort of price tag.


It allows you to plow through top knotch defensive lines with ease, and then it takes at least two cornerbacks to take you down.


This discussion is probably better suited to MPSIMS. They all wear ugly pants over there.


BWAHAHA! Are they *trying * to look like samurai?

They look like palazzo pants that went through the dry cycle too many times. Palazzo pants! Jeezuz does that bring back a nightmare or two.

This woman is trying to deny the existence of her legs.

I’ve been seeing these everywhere. I had no idea they had a name. Or a philosophy. I’ve just been calling them ‘those ugly flowing things that aren’t really pants.’

The site called the Queen Connection. Heh.

I think they look comfortable.

I didn’t know they had a name either, but now that you mentioned it…the only people who should be wearing those things have boots up to the knees and are serving meat from a sword here.

Fashion :rolleyes:

Oh my God! They look like bell-bottom capris or something! How utterly awful! I’ve never heard of those things or noticed them before, but now that it’s been brought to my attention I’m sure I’ll see eight pairs a day. Christ, what would someone have to be thinking to wear those things? Doesn’t anyone have any style? Because a moment’s thought would make you realize that those pants are godawful.

Yah - I have to take a pass on the gaucho as well. If you’re 6’ tall and weigh 12 lbs, perhaps you can pull them off. Everyone else just looks dumb.

What scares me so much is that I’m starting to see the really hideous stuff from my childhood come back. I wore gauchos in Jr. Hi (I think - it was a long time ago) - what’s going ON??? This stuff wasn’t a good idea back then, and it’s not a good idea now. What’s next? Gunne Sax Dresses? Qiana shirts? Satin baseball jackets?


Now I know what those pants that my coworkers wears are called.

-Liz, off to find some napkins to clean her monitor…

Those are hideous. They look like a grown woman wearing a 10-year-old boy’s pants.