I pit word repeaters

I pit people who repeat every other word you say in a sarcastic mocking tone to make you look stupid when you were having a conversation with someone else.
They either pretend you said something you did not say or repeat in a stupid tone. It’s usually a ploy to get the room to focus on them instead.

It sucks when people do that.

You are pitting people just for repeating stuff?

Sure, I bet it’s just a ploy to get the room to focus on them, I really believe that. It’s not like you’re stupid or anything.

It’s usually a ploy to get the room to focus on them instead.

Who is doing that and in what context? My ex-wife used to do that but that was to belittle and bully, not focus attention because there was no one else around. I would never tolerate it in a work setting and it never happens to me anyway nor do I see anyone doing it to anyone else except in the few times I have been in a badly mismanaged environment.

Those were an entirely unexpected type of reply, altogether.

I pit people who repeat every other word you say in a sarcastic mocking tone to make you look stupid when you were having a conversation with someone else.
They either pretend you said something you did not say or repeat in a stupid tone. It’s usually a ploy to get the room to focus on them instead.

I people repeat other you in sarcastic tone make look when were a with else.

(One, two, three…)

Those were an entirely unexepected type of reply.

“Those were an entirely unexpected type of reply…”

You do, do you?

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Ooh, look at me, I pit people who repeat every other word you say in a *sar-*castic mock-ing tone

Hey, be cool, OP! That guy might just have an embarrassing speech impediment!

Example? Or did you miss that the OP said it’s done in a sarcastic tone?

OH, it’s done in a sarcastic tone.

I people repeat other you in sarcastic tone make look when were a with else.
They pretend said you not or in stupid. Usually ploy get room focus them.

Either you are hanging out with assholes, or with people who say such incredibly stupid things that they deserve mocking. Or both.

Or both.

Bubbadog Bubbadog, but I repeat myself.