I think I have a hemmeroid. Do I need to see a doctor?

I’m a 35 year old male and believe I have a hemorrhoid. Last couple weeks when I get in the shower after dueceing there is something there that needs to be pushed back jnside. It doesn’t hurt but is unsettling.

Are these dangerous? Do I need to go to a doctor? Could it be a sign of something more serious? What would a doctor do with it?

Disclaimer that I am not a doctor - but this is common enough that Preparation H is a product found on every shelf in pharmacies throughout the US, and probably the world.

You can buy it in cream or suppository form.
Just a wild guess, but that will be the first thing any doctor will prescribe.

Now, should it start to hang out 12-30 inches and spew blood, you might want to consult a physician sooner than later.

[my mother]Don’t force it![/my mother]

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, they’re very treatable at home. Unless it gets horribly painful or spews blood everywhere, in which case you might want to have it snipped and cauterized.

Buy some Tucks Pads for wiping, and apply Preparation H cream afterwards. Make sure to air out your buttcheeks! And put as little pressure on it as possible. Once one erupts, it might come and go in sporadic flare-ups for the rest of your life. I had one pop up when I was in my early twenties, then it went away (I thought forever). But it came back a few years later, then went away again. I’m sure it’ll be back again eventually. They’re really not a big deal, though.

Agreed, but they are a pain in the ass.

Might be worth having your blood pressure checked…but otherwise just one of the things that goes along with having more birthdays. If it is causing an itching sensation, chamois creme as used by bicyclists and Aloe Vera gel are fairly soothing IME. Neither is as embarrassing to buy as products marketed specifically for this problem.

It’s like Marva says in The Ladykillers: There’s two kinds of people in the world- them that has hemorrhoids, and them that’s gonna have 'em.

No they’re not dangerous. It’s usually a sign of a bad diet though.

Have it checked out by a doctor. And don’t google prolapsed rectum. All of you have been warned.

I’d agree with the idea of having the family doctor take a look at least.
While hemorrhoids are very common and the odds are it probably is just a hemorrhoid, there is a chance that it could be some other kind of mass (your description does sound consistent with a hemorrhoid, but it’s hard to rule out anything else over the internet). It would be good to at least have the doctor confirm that it is what you think it is.
It is possible for hemorrhoids to become more serious in some cases. Sometimes hemorrhoids can’t be pushed back into place, becoming “incarcerated”, which is a serious issue if it happens (though it is not that common). If you start experiencing any pain or bleeding, I would definitely say to see a doctor.
If it is indeed a hemorrhoid, you probably can just try to make lifestyle changes at home or a sitz bath to soothe it, but if it bothers you enough, there are options to have hemorrhoids removed. They have techniques such as banding/lasers to destroy the hemorrhoid, or they can do surgery.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about my problem, but it happened overseas. I used ice to bring down the swelling and wiped with aloe vera and witch hazel. Also fixed up my diet and a few other things. There was a blog (I can’t remember it now) that put me onto: Don’t Panic They’re Just Hemorrhoids. Pretty cheap if anyone wants to check it out. Hope it helps.

What is " dueceing"?

Hemmorhoids, technically I do believe they should be assteroids.

35 years old and the first one… lucky.
I got my first one at 16. The odd thing is they can be anywhere from serious pain to uncomfortable to itchy… itchy being the worst.

The exterminator was here yesterday, he had been out for a while, they were carving up his butt hole, pulling out hemmorhoids, he was in pain. It was apparently major ass surgery.
A few years ago I got a call from a good friend. He told me he would never make fun of my hemmorhoids again. He got one BAD. He was a tad overweight, it took 2 nurses to hold his ass cheeks apart while the doc chopped that sucker out. He had to go back to work the next day.

My dad’s hemorrhoid experience, before I was born, my mom picked my dad up at work, he jumped into the giant 60’s Plymouth and asked my mom

“what do you call a lump next to your asshole?”

My mom playing along and hoping to hear a good joke says

“I don’t know. What do you call a lump next to your asshole?”

And my dad says very seriously, since my mom was going to nursing school…
“Seriously, what do you call lump next to your asshole”.

Back around 2001 I had a hemmorhoid, and it was a pain in the ass, it hurt. I woke up in the middle of the night to a huge sharp pain, and it was gone and I went back to sleep. My alarm went off at 4:30 and I was sitting in a pool of blood.

I made it to work for 5:30, it was a weekend, I had on 3 pairs of underwear and black pants. I was at the docs office by 9… I’ve never been so happy to see a cute little female indian doctor, about 4 foot 9 and tiny little fingers. With much shame I will admit that even with a bleeding hemmorhoid, a cute lady poking around back there can provoke a reaction… Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball.

4 days off from work, I was ordered to sit on frozen peas.

If your think you have a hemmorhoid, ass wipes, because as any preparation H tube will tell you “good anal hygiene is key to hemmorhoid prevention”. Toilet paper is like sandpaper on your pooper, ass wipes/baby wipes what ever you
want to call them. And if it hurts or itches, keep your ass wipes in the frig, so soothing.

If you tend to read on the toilet, stop doing that. Sitting on the can puts a lot of strain on a hemmeroid. Do your business and get off as quick as you can.

What is, “things a prostitute says” Alex?

If it’s your first one, I’d suggest visiting your doctor to confirm it’s what you think it is. Like you, I had my first 'rhoid around that age, and so I checked with a doctor to confirm and get professional medical advice.

Assuming it’s a 'rhoid, no, they’re typically not dangerous, and it likely will resolve itself in about a week’s time. Things like Preparation H and other medications don’t decrease that time, they are only useful for treating symptoms like itching; IOW, if it’s not bothering you, you needn’t worry about medicating it.

I’ve had a couple more since then, and they were the same deal: they took care of themselves after about a week.

Having experienced My First HemorrhoidTM last year, let me say this: cold can be your best friend as can mild anti-inflammatories like advil (if you don’t have any reason that prevents you from taking them.)

Pay attention, though - people are recommending wipes and the like. Turned out, those were the worst things for me - the skin was getting irritated from their use. What worked best was this:

If at home, rinse with plain water, no soap - I have a shower head with the longer hose, and it’s perfect for that. For when not at home, I bought some inexpensive soft cloths that I can wet in the sink and use to wipe, then discard.

I bought some of these and used them very rarely.

Once I figured out what was making things worse and stopped doing those things, I started improving immediately - it just took me a couple of months to figure out why things weren’t getting better.

I’ve never had an issue, but I thought everyone has hemmorhoids, the issue is when they “flare up,” as the commercials used to say - something causes them to get inflamed. Someone at work had surgery for them a few years back and there was a lot of discussion about causes and when they start, before we segued into the whole “the human body really seems to turn on you at 35 or so” discussion.

You need some Epsom salt in a hot bath to dry out the little devil.(Can’t believe nobody has mentioned that.)

One thing that concerns me is that it two weeks later and you’re still having problems. Your hemorrhoid should be gone by now. But if you haven’t treated it, I suppose it’s possible that’s normal.

I don’t know, IANAD.

A book? Really? Which was published on January 19? What a coincidence!

Edit: Removed the link.

Reported post as spam.

I have had one in my life, and it went away after a couple of weeks of careful cleaning and tenderness.