I think my Ex just might be allright

I just need to vent a little thanks for listening. If you’ve been here any length of time, you probably know at least some of the story about my ex. Most recently I had to get a stay away order to keep her from picking my boys up from their school whenever the urge hit her. Well it seems she’s finally turned the corner. Last week she brought them some outfits and shoes, granted they were the wrong size, but it was an effort. Last week she had a breakdown and was placed on a 72 hour Psyche hold. She got out last Friday and has been calling me breaking down on the phone since then.

She just left in tears, after I allowed her to see the boys. She bought them some cookies and juice, and told me she’s do whatever it took, but that if she didn’t see her kids her life was over. I tried my best to explain to her that I wanted her to see her kids too, that as soon as she gets herself together and settles down, I’d seek a motion to change custodial arrangements myself. Currently she has no visitation, although I allow her to see them as often as she wishes, provided she’s at her Mom’s house.

I just feel bad for her right now. The look of devastation on her was genuine. I can’t believe it’s only just hitting her, but it’s sad. I told her to get stable promised to help in anyway I could. She and my wife hugged and talked too. I hope this really leads to an improvement, on the plus side she is actively looking for a job.

I’ve read some of your threads on your ex in the past, and I just want to say I think you’ve handled the situation fantasticly.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you all.

Thnaks Zebra and AngelicGemma I was kind of upset when I wrote it, I’m not used to her caring about anything but herself, so it was kind of weird for me.
Anyway for those who want history try here and here, there are tons more but these will give you the gist. I’m used to IMing with a couple of other people here, so it was a little pretentious to think everyone would be following along, sorry.

I so hope she is on the way to being a better person and that this isn’t just a ploy to make herself to look better.
The boys deserve so much better and you and Nay need a break from dealing with this all the time.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your family and I’ll talk to you later.

Not bad. I share Kricket’s sentiments, and hopefully she won’t get the kids’ hopes up (not to mention yours) only to smash them again. Maybe she’s found that “rock bottom” point that she can start working her way back up from.

Hey Kricket part of me suspects you might be right, but I’m truly hoping it’s more like Ferret Herder is suggesting.

Let her know that her seeing the kids can’t be a condition she lays down, saying if she doesn’t see them, she won’t get well. People who play that card seldom get well.

Let her know that if she does what she needs to do to get well, her opportunites for time with the boys will increase.

Good luck!