I think something is wrong with my brain

Okay, so at first I thought it was just my lazy-fingers sloppy-typing. I keep inverting letters and numbers. 123 would become 132. I would have to delete and re-type. Bah. No biggie. Except, I’ve been doing it a lot.

Still, probably just sloppy typing… Except I’ve noticed I’m also doing it a lot when I write the old fashioned way, with a pen. “Cat” becomes “Cta.”

I’m even jumbling some word orders when I speak. I’ll stumble on sentences like “the quick dog ran” and start with “dog quick…sigh the quick dog ran…”

It’s been going on for at least a year. Not really getting worse unless I’m really fatigued, but dammit it’s annoying me! Especially when it affects my verbal skills.

No headaches, no slurred speech, tingles or anything that would imply neurological impairment.

<Kindergarten Cop> It’s not a tumour! </Kindergarten Cop>

Is my brain burnt out from too much computer use an graphic design? Can you develop some kind of processing disability? I used to have to proof film face down (therefore backwards) and I got so accustomed to it that I’d sometimes get confused when I saw the image or text the right way 'round.

What did I do to my poor brain???

Get your hearing checked. The same part of the brain responsible for hearing also handles speech (both spoken and written). If you’re having problems with dyslexia, it could show up in a hearing test.

Both of my children have dyslexia, so I’ve had to learn something of the causes and treatments.

Let us know how it turns out, m’kay?