I want to cheat but I can't figure out how to do it.

I want to use the cheat codes for Sim City 2000 but I don’t know where to type them. All the cheat sites I’ve found on the internet have the same cheat codes but none of them tell me where I’m supposed to type them. Can someone please help me… this is driving me nuts!

Huh? What did you think this thread was about? Get your mind out of the gutter people! :smiley:

Try hitting <CTRL><SHIFT><C> which should bring up a little text box. I can’t remember if this is the deal with SC2000, but that is the procedure with The Sims, another Maxis game.

Warning: I could be completely wrong.

It’s been a long time since I played, but IIRC, you type them in in the game window. The exception is the one for lots of money that involves the phrase “guzzardo.” There’s a procedure to follow with the map window that I can’t remember and I can’t look up because I’m at school and my cheat book is at home.

So where’s the game window?? One of the cheat sites said to hold down the shift key and click on the top of the map bar and then type the words but I tried that and it didn’t work. If you wouldn’t mind looking at your cheat book when you get a chance, I’d appreciate it! You can just e-mail me if you want.

I’ll try the CTRL+SHIFT+C when I get home tonight. Hopefully that will work! Once I get SC2k mastered I’m going to get The Sims. That one looks like fun too.

Right. You just type them in the game window. Start up your city and type in your cheat code, like “imacheat” or “priscilla” and your cheat will be enabled. Wow, I still remember my cheat codes after all this time…

So where are the SDMB cheat codes?

I want to know the key sequence to press in GD that will convince the creationists they’re full of it, or the Bushies that Dubya really lost.

I want to know the MPSIMS trick for automatically generating an OP about my neighbor’s pet’s freakish phenotype, simulating fifty responses from handy, Jack Batty, Euty and six random newbies.

Someone please tell me the complicated series of [CTRL] +[ALT] + mouseclicks that will show me the .jpg of Cecil Adams’s true face.

Don’t bother with the CTRL stuff… that is only for 3000 and doesn’t apply to 2000. Just type the codes into the city window. One that I remember off the top of my head…

  1. Start a new city with no roads or other infrastructure (VERY IMPORTANT)
  2. Type FUND. A box will come up asking you if you want to take out a bond at 25%. Ridiculous as it sounds, say yes. Repeat once.
  3. Go to the budget window and take out a standard bond. It should say that the percentage is .% Close the budget window and let the game run at full speed for a few years.

Congrats, you should be making a few million dollars a year from seemingly nothing. But be careful to sell off all three bonds (by going back into the budget window) before you get more than $2,147,000,000, because beyond that the hexdecimal number for the funds in the program will overflow and will put you $2 billion in debt!