I am essentially married to a beautiful woman whose life I joined after she had a kid. She was an unwed teen mom but by the time I fell into her life she was in her early 20s and her kid was almost 5. I will never know what it’s like to have a biological birth but if it’s even close to how I felt the day he called me dad unprompted for the first time, I know how all you bio-dads feel on the day your child is born.
Our child is incredibly smart and incredibly precocious. He says the funniest things. He has a great imagination. And he will one day break hearts. All of this is true and not just parental musings. Anyone who spends five minutes with him sees all of this.
Unfortunately, there is more. A lot more.
Our child once he started kindergarten got into problems almost immediiately. He would be violent with kids. We had to go into school once when he stabbed another child with a pencil. He was constantly getting into fights and he was rude and disrespectful of authority figures. (“You’re not my mom,” he would say to his teacher.)
Now, both his mom and I are very liberal for the most part. Both of us wanted to raise our kid progressively. To communicate as a peer with respect. And both of us, feeling that kids are overmedicated, were adamant about not having our kid get some kind of drugs which would stiffle his personality and kept him docile to a fault. And we did not want to use physical punishments at all. We did not malign parents who chose to spank their kids but we wanted to do it another way.
However, we also knew that he was having problems plus he attends an inner city public school which for reasons I don’t need to get into is not equipped to handle problem children as well as other settings.
We escalated punishments and tried to implement rewards. We took away things he liked such as toys and time on the TV and internet, we would reward him with trips to restaurants he liked when he was good. But it all never was enough. The calendar we put up, marking good days and bad, was always more bad than good.
End result: Our son went on Concerta. It seemed to calm him down in class. He was not perfect but at least he was not getting into fights.
He spent the summer at her mom’s house. It seemed like a win-win for everyone: Grandma and aunts could spend a lot of time with him (we moved 8 hours away so they cannot see us often), he could have the family that he grew up with around him again and honestly, we could get a break. Not just of childcare expenses (both of us work of course) but from our son.
He had a good summer as far as we were told and when he came back, we were refreshed and ready to start first grade. As you can expect, things deteriorated.
He is not getting into fights anymore (he has an outlet for his aggression, a girl his age, the granddaughter of the neighbor who now provides our afterschool care, who dishes it out as well as she can take it, and under the supervision of the neighbor - it is by all of our estimations a positive playful release for him) but he is still disrespectful of authority. Not just the teachers either - he started talking back to us, even, and the neighbor.
And he is in danger of not passing the first grade. Why? He simply chooses to not do his work. We would spend all week doing his homework and he would simply not turn it in on Fridays. Claims he forgot even though it’s in his bag and everyone else is turning it in. His mom or I would spend all week doing all of the homework with him and he doesn’t even turn it in!!!
In school, he would simply decide he didn’t want to work and that was it. The teacher has tried her best, I honestly believe this, but he stubbornly and sometimes rudely just says he will not do his work and I cannot blame her for not holding up an entire class over it.
We have had conferences with the teacher. He is in therapy. Still on medication. But only things get worse.
Although his mom and I are liberal as I said, we are not dogmatic. We relented when it came to medication for our son and when his room was devoid of all toys and he could never watch TV or the internet and still he was misbehaving, we reached our wits end. We started spanking our son as a punishment. We do not regret this in that it did help at first and still feel that it was the right decision.
This past week, things reached a head. After Monday off, I said that if he was good at school just for the four remaining days that he could keep the toys that my sisters and brothers got him for Christmas (we got them late for reasons unimportant to this).
He was good on Tuesday through Thursday but Friday was a different day. Our son went to the bathroom and smeared his feses all over the stall. This is not the first time that he did this - he did it at home a few times and was punished for it and had to clean it up - but it was the first time that he did it at school.
Now in addition to all of his other problems, kids are picking on him as you would expect. His mother and I have to attend a meeting about this. A MEETING! Can you imagine how this makes us feel, to have his teahcer and principal discuss our son smearing his own shit in a bathroom stall? On top of all of his other behavior problems? On top of everything else? Just the way we will be looked at is enough to make me wither away like a slug in sunlight…
I was away yesterday on business when his mom called me (this is very rare but that’s how it goes). She was crying uncontrollably. She feels like a horrible mother. The worst. She is blaming everything on her. She is in shock and I have joined her that I must be the worst father in the world.
I always thought that good parents did two things that separated them from bad ones: They loved their kids and set up rules with rewards and punishments to help their kids learn right from wrong. In short, they just gave a fuck. I always thought that was enough! Now, I wonder…
I am tired, oh so tired. I love my son but I see what he is doing to his mother and to me. The time we both take off from work for him is threatening our occupations. Which is fine in the respect that we would both quit our jobs if it meant our son growing up to be a productive member of society, but nothing works.
Last night as his mother sobbed into my phone that she would rather his son grow up to hate her and still be a productive member of society than love her and be a criminal. Last night, she begged for some kind of a break from him. A year she said. But her mom knows all about this - not the best sales pitch to have them take him for a while. Hell, we used taking away his summer trip to grandma as a punishment for failing the first grade and that didn’t motivate him at all…
She hit him. Spanked him with a belt on his bare ass for the first time. Hard. “I left bruises on my son,” she sobbed to me on the phone. Then she made him take an ice cold shower. He was screaming. She slapped him once across the face, said don’t you dare scream. He stopped screaming. I was not there but I can imagine the scene like I was. I am horrified but yet I totally understand. She is horrified but she doesn’t. She hates herself now.
I have not told her this and until she sees this thread (I may show it to her if I think it is productive - she doesn’t know that I am posting here, only that I am reaching out anonymously to an online forum) but right now, I would give him away.
I did not reach that decision lightly. I love my son. I am anguished over this.
But I don’t know what to do. I feel out of options - either he drags our lives down with him because nothing we do will help or at least his mother and I can salvage something while he gets help from someone who can do a better job with him.
It’s not just selfishness that I say this - I really am starting to feel that maybe we are shitty parents and maybe he would be best with someone else, or to have the state take care of him. Anyone but us.
So there is my story. Can anyone provide advice?