This day has been leading to an evening of pure hell.
My wife, my kids and I had been planning on attending a parade this evening. I was expecting only partial misery because my wife’s family would be there and that they would spend the evening talking to her and ignoring me, which is fine.
Long story short, wife got sick and decided to stay home, I had already told the kids we would go, so I’m stuck here with my in-laws.
Sounds like you’re desperate, so try pretending you are not related to your in-laws, and just met them by chance today. Find out about them all over again.
You better learn to love your MIL now. She is just the person your wife is going to be in a couple decades so get a head start learning to love it now.
I kid. I wish I got married to my ex-MIL if she were younger rather than her daughter. These things go both ways.
I suppose you could imagine you’re an anthropologist observing the culture of the native in-law population during motorized festivities. You might even get a thesis out of it.
Seems to me that since your wife won’t be there, you’ll be the sole parent dealing with your kids. And gosh knows how excited and needful-of-watching a bunch of kids can get in a big crowd at a parade.
You’ll be *soooo *busy dealing with them you just won’t have time to sit & talk with MIL & her crowd. Oh darn. Besides, by being SuperDad you’ll piss her off no end since she thinks (nay, knows) that you’re a crappy father to her perfect grandkids. Seeing massive evidence to the contrary can’t make her happy.
Then again, anytime somebody who goes by a name like czarofspam talks about death, I’m all for helping him over the edge. With an axe. Where’s this parade?
Kinda drew a blank when needed to pick a screen name. If I get a better idea (submissions welcome), I might consider getting it changed. Something along the the lines of capt.hammer
Amazingly enough she was quite pleasant, probably because she ignored me. :p. Before we left I got a request to attend church the next day sos I may be saved and thus set a good example for my kids.