I wish my husband were a Doper

I envy those of you who have SDMB-savvy spouses.

I arrived home yesterday evening bearing assorted baked goods from a local event. I so wanted to open the door and say “When came back, brought pie.” (Well, I guess I could have anyway, but sometimes the askance looks get a bit old.)

So. There it is. Truly mundane and pointless, but I had to tell SOMEBODY who’d get the joke. :frowning:

My husband isn’t a Doper either. ::shrug:: I actually prefer it that way. I don’t have to censor myself as much.

Yeah; I’d rather be able to post my quirky outbursts without worrying about my wife reading them. I mean, she wouldn’t be at all surprised or concerned by most of it, but I just like to keep my (multiple) worlds in separate orbits.

MY SO knows how to get here; I’ve shown him how to do searches, and what my username is. So it’s not as though I’m hiding things. Yet I still am happy that he doesn’t come here - I like space away from him.

Someone here got really pissy once about how husbands and wives should have *nothing *to hide from each other. I remember the name, but I’m not going to mention it…however the gist of their argument was that spouses should even share e-mail addys, and there shouldn’t even be the least chance of them hiding anything even by accident. Not all of us can live like that, and I value my privacy immensely (as does he). This is just one of the activities I have that doesn’t involve him.

My SO doesn’t come here either, but I worry about it sometimes. She knows my username and could easily sift through my posts. No big deal to you guys, but to an SO it’s a lot like reading through a diary. I’ve posted plenty of things that could be misread, it’s got nothing to do with not being open with eachother.

I sort of wish my husband were a Doper–he does, in fact, love pie–but he’s interested in science, engineering, stuff like that, and I think he would enjoy some of those threads immensely.

I also wished he was more familiar with some concepts like “carrot and stick approach”. You see, it’s his sleep-in day, so the dog went out for her pee early this morning, and got her morning chew stick (oral care chews) to keep her happy so we could go back to sleep. I got up a while later, and this time took the dog out for a walk. She wanted her chew stick afterward, and didn’t understand “you already had it, you silly girl”. So I gave her a baby carrot instead, and she ran into the bedroom with this prize. My husband sleepily mumbled did I give her another chew stick? No, I replied, I’m trying to train her, so it’s just a carrot. I’m using the carrot and stick approach for treats.

He didn’t get it. A perfectly good joke, wasted!

I was greatly disturbed when a colleague decided to browse the forums and started commenting on my posts when talking to me. I’d hate for Mrs essell to be a full member and see some of the stuff I get up to. Just like Sitnam I think it could lead to misunderstanding.

My wife thinks we’re all weird but humors me. She calls Dopers ‘your people’. Sometimes if we talking about something, and it’s a question about something factual, she’ll suggest I get on here and ‘see if any of your people know anything about that…’

So there’s no chance really she’ll join. I’ve linked threads and e-mailed them to her, (she’s a big fan of cat-related threads), she knows my username and I really don’t say much here that I won’t talk about with her. But I’m with the ones responding here that like the fact that this is MY place, and she’s not popping in to read stuff I write.

Of course, that’s assuming that she ISN’T and just not telling me.

Did I ever mention how smart and beautiful she is? And, and…um, funny. Oh - and smart. I mentioned smart already didn’t I?
And beautiful too.

I sort of wish my husband were a Doper–he does, in fact, love pie–but he’s interested in science, engineering, stuff like that, and I think he would enjoy some of those threads immensely.

I also wished he was more familiar with some concepts like “carrot and stick approach”. You see, it’s his sleep-in day, so the dog went out for her pee early this morning, and got her morning chew stick (oral care chews) to keep her happy so we could go back to sleep. I got up a while later, and this time took the dog out for a walk. She wanted her chew stick afterward, and didn’t understand “you already had it, you silly girl”. So I gave her a baby carrot instead, and she ran into the bedroom with this prize. My husband sleepily mumbled did I give her another chew stick? No, I replied, I’m trying to train her, so it’s just a carrot. I’m using the carrot and stick approach for treats.

He didn’t get it. A perfectly good joke, wasted!

My wife refers to all of you as my imaginary friends

Am I the only one wondering if she’s going to post this every 36 minutes until her husband corners her in the kitchen and breaks down, sobbing, " Okay, okay, I GET IT !!! :


My SO doesn’t come lurking as far as I know. Breathing room. Essential for sanity.


Ladies—I’m single.
Take me–I’m yours. :smiley:

Well, I thought it was funny, Savannah! :smiley:

It’s not so much that I want him here, I just was disgruntled I had a joke (albeit a very silly inside one) and no one to share it with. I’m a member of a couple of other forums and no way is he getting in there.

Plus there’s also funny/cool stuff here I think he’d enjoy if he had the time to read.

Bosda…ah, if I’d only met you 20 years ago…wink

I greatly enjoyed having my daughter, who introduced me to the Dope, back home for a few months and in the next room over from my computer, so we could compare Doper notes all day if we wanted. Now that she’s gone, I’ve got nobody here to share them with, but I’m also one of the ones who’s glad that my hubby doesn’t visit here – not that I share anything I wouldn’t want him to know, but it’s just nice to have a little space from him.

I not only think spouses need some privacy, but I’m firmly of the opinion that it’s good for everybody to spend at least one weekend a month apart. Not that we manage that all that often, but it’s always nice to have a weekend when I can just do what I want to do and not have to worry about someone else. Even someone I have no problems sharing a home with.

I tell Mr. S about interesting threads and we discuss them, and he enjoys some of the jokes (Rio by Duran Duran, bring pie) but snores at others (wordplay, inventive cussin’). He’s just not enough of an Internet geek to sign up, though I think he’d enjoy participating in GD if he were.

I tell Mr. S about interesting threads and we discuss them, and he enjoys some of the jokes (Rio by Duran Duran, bring pie) but snores at others (wordplay, inventive cussin’). He’s just not enough of an Internet geek to sign up, though I think he’d enjoy participating in GD if he were.

I’m offended. It took years of therapy to get over my imaginariness. Please inform her that she’s the one whose imaginary. Thank you.

My first several years Brainiac4 had an account which he seldom used. Now he posts and reads pretty darn regularly. It has changed how I post - its also meant we have conversations about Dopers and topics that come up here. But we don’t tend to follow the same threads too often.


Board timeout. I wandered off and cleaned the bathroom, looked at other web pages, played with the dog, put on laundry, then noticed the tab still open and hit reload.

He does love pie.

He generally does not love my jokes. (Most of them are pretty bad, though.)

Yeah, I don’t post any secrets, but I do need my space. He tends to think I over-share with friends, so he certainly wouldn’t approve of some of my posts.

And we joke about you guys being my imaginary friends, too! :stuck_out_tongue: