I know we have a few out-as-married Doper couples, and even a few Dopers-who-become-married-as-a-result-of-the-Dope, but how many people have SO’s who post, or lurk, or are just not interested at all?
I’ll start: my husband is not a Doper. He hangs out a lot at the Talkbacks at AICN, but I stay out of there (well, occasionally I read something, but I wouldn’t even consider myself a lurker) and he stays out of here. We don’t have a rule or anything, I’m just not interested in the snarkfest that is the Talkbalks, and he’s…well, I don’t know why he’s not interested in the SDMB. But he’s not, not as a lurker or a poster. Once in a while he’ll ask me to ask y’all something, though.
Mrs. Bricker reads the weekly columns on-line, and occasionally lurks through the message boards – most often because I’ll read her a provocative paragraph in GD or send her a “Get a load of this!” link. But she has no desire to register, even though I’ve asked her a time or two.
She’s not adverse to either message boards or political scrapping; she posts regularly on the readers’ comments board for one of the Dominican Republic newspapers. But for whatever reason, the SDMB hasn’t clicked with her.
No. And I’ve sat him down, showed him my username, and showed him how to run a search - under my name, of course. In case he ever was interested in reading what I said.
But as I said in another thread, he thinks we are silly. (Well, I am at any rate. ) But he’s not interested in online dynamics at all, except for FPS games…he joins no message boards, chats to no one online, and very rarely gets “friendly” e-mail other than from me.
He’s just not into it all, I guess,
My boyfriend is not a doper, mostly because of general computer-ineptness. He does participate in discussions with me which often come up with subjects from IMHO or MPSIMS. He’s kind of a doper vicariously through me, I guess. He shows no interest in message boards or chat rooms whatsoever.
My wife is a devoted Three Way Action lurker. No interest in the SDMB.
My wife lurks often, she especially lurks in Café and GQ. I bothered **TubaDiva ** about how to get my wife a membership so as to avoid a problem with 2 posters in the same house, but my wife said don’t bother she would never post. She reads the Straight Dope as much as I do and I know she especially enjoyed the threads on American Idol as I don’t watch the show. Occasionally she provides me some very useful information to pass along. Especially one thread on a very obscure Northern Exposure question.
Of course she participates in the Jersey Dopefests, but that is because we have been hosting them.
My former girlfriend whom I dated from 2000 to 2003 was an active member (Spastic Kitty) until the board became fee based. She told me recently that she still reads the SDMB occasionally.
I’m single these days
My husband is not a Doper. He flatly refuses because he thinks it’s terribly arrogant that Cecile Adams has dubbed himself “the world’s smartest human being”. For that reason he has nothing but disdain for The Straight Dope and its message board.
I occasionally mention things I find here or information I’ve gathered but he scoffs at it.
He tried lurking for a while but decided that he didn’t like the arrogance of the board. :rolleyes: Whatever.
Pepper Mill has posted, but she’s not currently a Doper. She knows some of what goes on, because I have to tell her about the Really Good Stuff.
Our daughter MilliCal has posted a couple of times, though me. But she doesn’t read the Boards on her own. If she did, we’d have even more explaining to do. And we’re still recuperating from last weekend’s Renaissance Faire.
Nope, my SO is not. Actually, I seriously doubt he even knows what it is.
That’s fine though since I can complain about him and say things that he’ll never know about. bwahaha!
I’m afraid that’s exactly mine’s point. He’s smart, he’d do well here, but I guess I see his point. Much like I don’t belong in GD threads.
Yes, I’m relatively certain she is. We just haven’t met each other yet.
My wife doesn’t read, lurk or post. She looks over my shoulder very rarely when I’m reading at home. The stuff she’d be willing to post about on the SDMB (politics, mostly), she takes way too seriously to discuss it in the manner that things get discussed here, so if she joined, she’d either quit in disgust very soon thereafter, or get banned.
No. He knows all about “my message board” but has never showed an interest in posting. That’s probably for the best. He’s a very intelligent man and I love him dearly, but he really cannot spell. He does use spell check, but I’m still afraid he’d drive you folks nuts with his errors.
Jakeline was a lurker, and after a good long while, she convinced me to lurk. Then I fell in love, subscribed and started posting. And before I could buy her a subscription for her birthday, she beat me to the punch.
Nope. He has no interest. But he does occasionally toss a question or a link at me, and suggest I post it here.
Kinda-sorta. She recently bought an account here and has posted a scant handful of times but I don’t see her ever amassing a ton of posts. We both post on (and met via) a different, much smaller, forum and she feels more at home there. But she does browse Cafe Society, IMHO and MPSIMS from time to time, especially if our ‘home’ forum is down.
She did, however, run a search on my name once and read all of my posts once slow afternoon at work. Luckily, I don’t think I ever said anything too incriminating and don’t really have any secrets so even the incriminating stuff she already knew.
Yes, he is.
**Demo **and I fall into the ‘Dopers-who-became-married-as-a-result-of-the-Dope’ category.
We began chatting off the boards in December of 1999 I believe, or around there. We sort of kept ‘bumping into’ one another in threads, seemed to have a lot in common, I guess. Met IRL in February of 2000 (there was a Dopefest in Monterey), then saw each other at least once or twice a month or so after that, until I moved out here and in with him in June of 2000. We were married in June of 2003.
Over the years we have both sort of taken breaks from the board here and there. The past couple of years I’ve found myself here more, while he’s here less, since much of his online time is now spent in World of Warcraft.
My boyfriend introduced me to the Dope. He is an avid lurker.
Hi, John!
Nope. Absolutely no interest. Not really very big on any forms of e-communication.