I would like to bring this to your attention

i have posted a couple of messages in another forum and each time the moderator of that forum (mr. winklereid) has tried to stop my discussion (mr. winklereid seems to think pornography on the internet is a good idea.)

he told me to go talk in the “great debates” section, and lo and behold! when i went there i noticed some messages from the same mr. winklereid saying that incest is OK.

i don’t know if you are aware of the situation, but i thought i would bring it to your attention because when a business pays a salary to a person they sometimes might be held responsible for the actions of that person.

i have nothing against mr. winklereid personally (even though he made fun of me in the other forum) but i think he is misguided and a wrong choice to be a moderator.



Mr. Winkleried is an evil, evil man. But if you think he’s bad, you should see Alphagene, DavidB and the foul tempered Ms. Bodoni.

Hello Righteous, welcome to the SDMB, where ignorance is fought and frank discussions are the norm.

Wiataminit! Did you say Arnold advocates incest? Where’s that GD thread. . .

And not only that, but sometimes around here we talk about wee-wees and boo-boos. Yeeks!!

You don’t happen to have a relative that’s missing about 15 square inches of extremely sensitive skin, do you?

Oh, and a preemptive strike and with a due sense of dread, I’d like to point out that the forum descriptions list Great Debates as the place for witnessing, if you feel you must. May not necessarily apply here, but I get the feeling this information will come in handy in the near future.

You do realize, Righteous, that there can be repurcussions to making unsubstantiated defamatory comments about a person in a print medium? Arnold never said that pornography was a good idea. What he said was that, first, the article in question was not pornography (which position agrees with all US laws concerning pornography, incidentally), and secondly, that debates on whether pornography is acceptable properly belonged in another forum on this message board.
If you want to debate the merits (or lack thereof) of various forms of Internet content, then you can feel free to do so in Great Debates. I’d even go so far as to encourage you to do so: It’s very likely to be an interesting discussion. If you wish to complain about a moderator of this message board, you can feel free to do that, as well, in our BBQ Pit forum. I wouldn’t recommend this, personally, but you’re still free to do so.

I think Righteous is right and all the mean moderators should take a pay cut.

Heheheh…this is TOO easy…you’re goin’ down, Censor Boy!

I am profoundly ashamed by the actions and statements of my fellow moderator, Mr. Winklereid. To show my remorse, I am going to donate my entire monentary income as a moderator of the SDMB to The Society for the Preservation of The Overly Delicate Sensibilities of Shrinking Violets Overwhelmed by This Carnal World.

“The wren goes to 't,
and the small gilded fly
Does lecher in my sight.
–King Lear, Act 4, Scene vi (emphasis added)

If Shakespeare said it, it’s good enough for me.

Righteous, you do realize that the moderators are not paid, right?

And please do not criticize our [buttkiss; I hate getting my threads closed/moved]wonderful, kind, sensitive, caring, attractive, wise[/buttkiss] moderators… they have ways of making you unhappy!!

You think you’ve seen evil, Brucie? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait until this thing is moved to the Pit where it belongs. Then we will feel free to take the gloves off.

Two moderators have replied and it’s still here, you say? The mills of the gods grind slow, I guess.

Mr. Righteous, I’ll be kind (I mean, all the other posters have said what I wanted to say!). The SDMB is about fighting ignorance. Pretending that sexual organs and genitalia do not exist does not contribute to this goal. Pretending that some almighty, invisible, mysterious, unexplainable being with dubious intentions rules the universe with an iron fist also spreads ignorance, but that’s a subject for GD.

In addition, mentioning the word “penis” does not constitute pornography. Nor does a discussion about said organ.

Finally, you must have one hell of an ego problem to think that YOU have all the answers about how to run our message board.

Anyway, it’s recommended that you accept A: the fact that some people talk about stuff other than red punch and green jell-o, B: until God himself comes to these message boards to tell us why things happen, divine intervention is not an appropriate avenue of discussion, and C: the mods have been here for a long, long time… most likely they know what they’re doing.

So, I hope you take this as constructive criticism, and I’ll see you 'round the Boards.

SPOOFE How long has it been since Unca’ Cece was here? :slight_smile:

Hello Righteous. I’m sorry that your SDMB experience is not proving satisfactory. I think that this is a shame because this message board is (IMHO) a useful place for improving one’s mind. I have learned a lot in my days here and if you stick around you undoubtedly will do the same.

I don’t remember mocking you in the other forum but you should be aware that many of the people of this board are very bright but can also show in conjunction with their intelligence a sharp wit. So if you hang around here you will see many sarcastic comments that should probably not be taken too seriously.

BTW as Chronos pointed out above I never said that pornography on the internet was a good idea. But in my opinion there is not sufficient justification to ban pornography on the internet, and it’s quite possible to avoid it. Re: incest - if people are interested in my opinion they can go read the thread in GD. I don’t want to start a debate on it here.

PS - to my fellow board members in your thread - thank you for the support and the jokes. :slight_smile:

Brother Righteous,

I have been moved by your crusade against internet pornography and filth. I humbly request that you come here to discuss your views about decency and pornography and censorship in greater depth. In additon, by going to the link provided, it’s far less likely that The Nefarious Mr. Winkelried will lock the discussion down.

Thank you

Brother Fenris

The following people ROCK:


Honorable mention to Arnold for his overwhelming, world-class restraint. [phone rings] Yes? Yes, he’s here…Arnold, it’s for you, it’s the U.N. They want you instead of what’s-is-name for Secretary General.

…and if MY first cousins were as good-lookin’ as Arnold’s, I’D be in here advocatin’ incest, too.

i see several people using those funny faces in an attempt to mock me i suppose. thats ok i know that its hard for christians nowadays to spread the word in this secular society.

i see mr. winkelreid has posted a message with an attempt at an apology for his statements and trying to back down from some of his comments. a simple “i’m sorry” would suffice but maybe he’s just pretending because he’s afraid he might be in trouble with the administration of this message board. well i’m man enough to say “i’m sorry”, meaning i’m sorry if i got you in trouble mr. winkleried but i thought that i had something that needed to be said. as i wrote before i have nothing against you personally. i just think that as an employee here you should be more careful what you say in a public forum.

some of you are implying that the moderators don’t get paid. i don’t know whether or not that’s true, but assuming its true (which i think is unlikely) still they represent the newspaper and so should be careful.

in any case some other people are saying that this conversation should be either in great debates or the “barbecue” forum. i took a look at the barbecue forum and it seems to me its mostly a place for people to insult each other, which is not why im here. so i probably wont post there.

also another poster says that i should be afraid of the moderators because they can “make me unhappy”. i don’t think a person should shrink before listening to their conscience whatever the consequences. i suggest that everyone do the same.


p.s. some people seem to think that i refuse to talk about sex and call me a “shrinking violet”. i don’t refuse to talk about sex, i just do it in the privacy of my home like people should. when i was a teenage my dad had “the talk” with me and i will do the same with my son when he’s a teenager.

The only question I have is this … are you serious, Righteous?

No one is mocking you. They are being humerous yes, but if you feel mocked, that’s your problem. Stick up for yourself and stop with the “I’m telling …” tactic.

That may be, but if there is one place for you to give it a shot it’s Great Debates. Anything can and has been discussed there. But be forewarned, not every one is going to agree with you, and when that happens you can’t just say “that shouldn’t be discussed here” or “you just don’t understand so I’m ignoring you.”

And this board is affiliated with the Chicago Reader, but it is volunteer supported. The mods, do this stuff on their own time. As such they can offer opinions just like you and me and not as representatives of any newpaper.

If you want to debate about stuff, or witness as to your faith, welcome aboard. But in the mean time, re-read the forum rules and for Buhdda’s sake, stop whining so much. Oh, and maybe a capital letter here and there wouldn’t hurt either.

Have a pleasant day.