You're all sinners, the lot of you!

Brothers and Sisters (and Transgendered). I would like to briefly testify about what Brother Righteous has done for me!

Without Brother Righteous’s guidance in two threads: here and here, I would never have realized that (although hard to find) there was PORNOGRAPHY on the internet!!!. Yes, friends, I was a wretch like all of you, until Brother Rightous showed me the light!

Oh, you can try to cast a blind eye to the creeping advent of [sub]smut[/sub] on the internet (there may even be references to Rock and/or Roll!). But, like a hitch in your giddyup, it’s there. And Brother Righteous showed me! Some will say Brother Righteous is a prude. Some will say he’s a lunatic. Some, like The Nefarious Mr Winkelried will try to CENSOR him! But Brother Righteous will prevail.

Now my life is dedicated to examining every. single. one.* of these internet pornography sights. I must examine them in great detail and learn of the wicked, wicked ways of those on the internet.

I call upon you, fellow Dopers, to help me…no…to JOIN me in Brother Righteous’s crusade. Take the pledge: Each day, for one at least one full hour, you will search the internet for pornography and examine it, so that you may learn of it’s wickedness (but not the usenet. Brother Righteous didn’t mention the usenet, so I believe it is still a bastion of purity…and smut free.) Brother Righteous and I both believe that this sort of research can make the world a better place.

Please share what Brother Righteous’s crusade has meant to YOU!

Thank you.

Brother Fenris

*except for, y’know…the gross ones with donkeys and stuff

(bolding mine)
Woohoo! I’m a minority. Now, where do I go get my gument sex stamps? I know to go see JDT for my gument cheese.

I now understand why “It’s taking longer than we thought!”
AND I’m a wee bit frightened.

:: body shudder ::
:: shakes head, and walks away ::

later, Tom.

<sigh> It’s a shame, really. We haven’t had a good witness around for a while. I mean, even Friend of God was at least coherent. Knew how to include links in posts, too. Unfortunately, I guess Righteous gets thrown into the “Self-declared geniuses with limited typing ability” box. Move over, Wildest Bill.

Hey, Brother Righteous, maybe you should talk to your fellow religious leader, J. Dean Tyler. The Supreme Leader of the Church of Circumscientology is well-known for spending not just an hour, but several hours a day researching the phenomenon of porno on the Internet. And just look at the ground-breaking conclusion he’s come up with as a result!

It’s clear to me now that The Nefarious Mr Winkelried is agent of SATAN!!!
:Spooje swoons from the shock:

Well, then I can’t recommend you go see Quills

mr. fenris i don’t know who you are and i’m not sure why you are starting this discussion. i just want you to know that i bear you no ill will and will pray for you and some of the other people here. i don’t think that mr. winkelried is evil, just misguided. and anyway as Jesus Christ said “love the sinner but hate the sin”.

oh and by the way i agree with your title “we are all sinners”. i am a sinner myself but i know that God will forgive me because i have accepted him into my heart. i hope one day that you too will know the peace of mind that comes with accepting Jesus Christ.


Count me in for some of that lovin’, Righteous. :wink:


Oddly enough, while I doubt I would normally go see a biography of the Marquis de Sade, I’m going to have to go see Quills because it was written by the brother of one of my college roommates.

Hey, Esprix, get some pictures of that lovin’, will ya? I’d like to post it on the internet…

Jesus who?

(and, while we’re on the subject)

Who is this God person, anyway?

Hey, where did that fish hook come from?

I sinned only once: It was the sin of arrogance in being proud I never had sinned.
Oh, you mean in this life? Nevermind then.

Brother Fenris your holy challenge will be met by this humble servant, if such struggle is worthy for the cause. Brother Righteous has shown me the light! I welcome my own sin into my heart and embrace it as the mark of God! [sub] or something like that [/sub]

Anyway, off to go search for porn on the net. I needed something to do today anyway. Can’t say I ever really found much, but if Righteous says its unavoidable and its our job by God to go be offended [sub] am I getting this right? I’m out of practice. [/sub]

Winkelried is evil? Wow, the mods get sexier every day…

Now, since this is the Pit, I can be a bit less civil than I was in ATMB.

Righteous, I can’t believe your arrogance. Not just your arrogance, but how very wrong you are. Don’t get me wrong, some of my best friends are Christians (heh heh), but you and people like you give Christianity a bad name. Your intolerance and arrogance, along with your poor typing skills, just make you look sad. Unfortunately, since you affiliate yourself with Christianity, you splash filth on the name of that organization.

Fie on you.

And, when God calls you tonight for your regular evening chat (as he must, for you to be so sure of yourself), could you tell him I said “hi”?

I was thinking about starting a thread on righteous. I think he might be my new favourite moron.

Kewl-does he know Kate Winslet? (One of my favorite actresses?)

Righteous, so that I can help you in your quest, I want you to submit to me EVERY pornographic link you can find on the net…I just have SUCH a hard time finding them so I can go and uh…tell them how they should, like, uh, repent and stuff.

eh ehehehe…“porn”…eheheheh.e…ehehe

Actually, my ex-roommate attended the opening and said he met KW and he found her quite attractive. He also noted that his brother spent most of his time schmoozing with various execs and didn’t see much, if any, of the flick.

I don’t think Jesus said that. I could be wrong, though…do you have a cite?

Kewl. I’m a big fan of her’s.


Repent, Brother! And join us, in worshipping the God of HELLFIRE!!!
And we shall smite the wicked and the stupid!!!