Iconic comedy props

What comedy props (including articles of costume, but not bodily features such as facial hair or bandy legs) can we list that would be instantly recognised and understood as belonging to a certain act. There must be loads, but I’m having trouble coming up with even a few.
Here’s what I have so far:

-A pair of bowler hats (one larger than the other) would be instantly recognised as belonging to Laurel and Hardy

-A stuffed parrot (optionally in a cage) - unmistakably Monty Python

After that, it starts to get tenuous - a lawyer’s wig might be associated with Peter Cook, A cane and bowler sort of indicates Charlie Chaplin (but you need the moustache and the gait too), a cigar and glasses suggests Groucho Marx (but again, there’s the moustache, and it still isn’t a striking reference without the mannerisms)

And that’s all I’ve got. Help me out here.

Robin Williams’ old rainbow suspenders

Gallagher’s hammer

Andrew Dice Clay’s cowhide jacket

Michael Palin’s “gumby” glasses, handkerchief and suspenders combo

Harpo’s bicycle horn

Sung Hee Park’s Korean gown and fan

Carmen Miranda’s fruit bouquet hat

Thanks. I’d only instantly recognise a couple of items out of that list though (the horn and the fruity hat). The gumby outfit is memorable, but not distinctive.

Stever Martin’s arrow-through-the-head

Jim Belushi’s Killer Bee costume

Tommy Cooper’s fez.

Oh, that’s a good one - how could I have missed that?

That’s John Belushi.
I nominate:

Ruth Buzzi’s Purse. (which would make a good band name)

Jack Benny’s Violin

Rod Hull’s Emu (OK, that one was just for me)

Harold Lloyd’s Glasses

Will Roger’s Lasso

Charlie Chaplin’s Cane

I could go on all day, I’ll stop now.

Roy “Chubby” Brown’s outfit is kinf of distinctive.

Little Titch’s boots recently appeared on QI and were, indeed, instantly recognisable as belonging uniquely to him. If you know who Little Titch was, that is, which none of the panel did.

I’m not sure Jack Benny’s violin fits the bill (unless I’ve misunderstood the question) – if you saw a violin, would you immediately think only of Jack Benny?

Perhaps we should test them by just naming the props and seeing if anyone can identify the act?

• A three-seater bicycle.

• A feather duster.


Groucho MArx’s glasses and over-heavy eyebrows.
Seltzer bottles (pretty much any of the old Vaudeville acts that transitioned to film and television).

Carrot Top’s trunk.


Henny Youngman also had a violin as a prop.

The Amazing Jonathan’s headband.

M. Hulot’s pipe and raincoat

Bobby Clark’s greasepaint glasses.

Lily Tomlin’s switchboard? Or her giant rocking chair?

Tracy Ullman’s bathrobe?

Nothing from Carrot Top?
Oh right, he is not funny.


George Formby’s ukelele?

Charlie McCarthy.

And any other famous ventriloquist’s dummies.

I’m guessing Carol Burnett for the feather duster, and I’ve got no clue about the 3 seater bike.

As for the OP, does a psychologist’s couch and chair suggest Freud, or Dr. Robert Hartley aka Bob Newhart?

An inflated surgical glove.

For Carol Burnett, I’d go with the “GWTW” costume with the curtain rod across the shoulders.