I was wondering if someone could help me ID a music video I saw awhile back—I first saw a clip of it used in an online “Top Tens” review video (something like “Top Ten Weirdest Music Videos” or something) a few years back. I actually got the full name of it, shortly after, but I’ve since lost it. Anywho…
I think it was a Rap/Hip-Hop song, and the singer, IIRC, a cheery, fit, shirtless black guy with a beard singing the lyrics* awhile striding jauntily down the sidewalk…until, at one point, the man sits in a lotus pose, and starts flying and spinning in the air, bouncing around a city skyline, not unlike the Tasmanian Devil.
An exceedingly goofy, odd little video, but unfortunately I can’t remember enough details to positively identify the darned thing. Just enough to torment me.
Can anyone help me out?
*You can probably guess the only word used that I managed to remember after all this time. Both awkward to quote, and completely un-unique.