Hello I’ve been surfing this site for the last month and it’s easily one of best forums I’ve ever come across. The amount of quality shit that gets talked about from “Why the French have Nukes” to the now world famous Lord of the Rings authors thread is stunning.
First of all, Scotsmen (should that be Scotspeople? :p) are all cool, it’s genetic or something :). Second, welcome to our humble board, though I’m little more than a newbie myself, so I can’t talk. Well, I might have a few posts, but I sure don’t got respect!
As dues for registering, you must offer up your favorite flowers and as I was told when I first joined, submit your credit card numbers to show you are a friend
Just realive, my husband will be wanting to get to know you and your sheep. He’s very proud of his Scotch heritage and makes comments about loving those sheep a little bit to often :eek:
Welcome! Someday you too will have fame and prestige that only comes from posting many, many times. Sure, most of the posts will be about your dog’s nutsack and the best way to dispose of the dead hobo in your parking lot, but somehow this will shape you into a better, more well-rounded individual.
You, Speaker, of all members here wish respect? Don’t remember deserting me, Lady Juliet and Flamsterette_X while we were caught in a crossfire of worm cannons and immobilizing spray do you? Back in the bumper-tag car chase when the two Jags got trashed?
Respect must be earned, young man! Flammie and I got away, but I fear the good Lady J hasn’t been heard from since. Let that weigh heavily on your conscience whilst you seek respect.
Welcome to the SDMB Deuteros. Your initiation is indeed posting your credit card numbers and expiration dates here. Now, if you had signed “A Scotswoman” then posting nekkid pictures would have sufficed. Alas, a Scotsman must post the credit card info…
Welcome to the SDMB, Deuteros. I’m only quarter-Scot, I’m afraid. Still, t’is wonderful seeing another one from that northern land around here. Enjoy yourself!
Hello, welcome to the boards. I’m not Scottish at all. But that’s ok. Enjoy your stay. By the way, you need to post your ATM number and password before you can become a full fledged doper. Or rather just send it to my email address.
Well I’m afraid you just missed out as Burns supper was last week. But let’s not start on the “What is a haggis” that I feel this thread could rapidly deterioate into. You do know they have one leg shorter than the other and It’s the opposite foot for each sex so they can bump into one when they are runninga round wild in the Scottish Highlands and make liottle baby haggis. Don’t you. I thought everyone knew that!
This place is huge with a tremendous turnover of posts. How do you keep track of it all?