The thread about the effects of bad teachers got me to thinking about why I had so much trouble with algebra. I’d love to participate in a study where the researchers look for reasons people have trouble learning algebra. My verbal skills were always very good, and I didn’t have much trouble with basic math. I can do the four basic operations in my head, I can balance a checkbook, and I had no problem with statistics in grad school. When I took algebra, the teacher would do a problem on the overhead. It would make perfect sense to me. When I tried to do an almost identical problem, I’d be lost. I’d take a test and think I must have gotten at least an 80 on the test, and I wouldn’t even get a 50. Any other class I could usually predict my score within 5 points.
My problems with algebra don’t cause me any problems, and really haven’t since the last time I had to take it. I’m just curious as to why it was so much more difficult for me than other classes. Bad teachers? Slight learning disability? Neither of my kids have had much of a problem; the oldest is actually planning on majoring in math. I’m just glad we weren’t forced to take four years of math in high school.
Same here except for the part about statistics or grad school.
The only problem it caused me was it was a requirement for Chemistry, which was a requirement for an Associates Degree in Ornamental Horticulture. I did get the requirement waived, but I experienced the same ineptitude for Chem, finally managing an honest D, which would have been an F if I had to take one more quiz. Started with Bs, then Cs and eked out the D after the final. Like Algebra, if I didn’t fully grasp a concept, nothing afterward made sense.
When I repeated Algebra in 10th grade I had the worst teacher I ever experienced. That year the 9th graders didn’t move to the High School as previously so the only ones taking the class were us that failed it the first attempt and they assigned a teacher new to the school. Mean, and when we realized it, she lost total control of the class. Out of thirty kids in the class (one girl) 28 failed with unsatisfactory attitude, one passed with a 98, unsatisfactory attitude and the other with a 90, excellent attitude. Fired, one & done.
Don’t think I would have passed even with a good teacher though.
Similar with my kids too. I never would have got out of HS if it was required.