ID this webcartoon?

I remember watching an online cartoon and I’m hoping somebody can ID it.

It was about three models in a big city (probably Manhattan).

The animation was pretty limited.

The humor was pretty raw. There were jokes about cutting, eating disorders, and drug use.

I think it was YouTube but I could be wrong.

I saw it about five years ago.

Any ideas?


The board is disappointing me. Usually these questions get answered within ten minutes of being posted.

Sorry, Sir.

I spent about 5 hours looking in google and youtube.

All for nothing.

Are there any more clues?

Maybe a voice of a character that reminds you of someone?

When you say the animation was limited, would it compare more to…

  • Dr Katz?
  • the first Simpsons shorts? - South Park?
  • basic stick figures?


As I recall, it had a South Park look, like it was done with cut outs (although I assume it was actually done on a computer as South Park is).

Thanks for looking.

And your sense is that it was a web-only thing?

Did it look at all like the “Charlie the Unicorn” animation?

Unfortunately, I can’t offer much more information. I saw this online at least five years ago and maybe as long ago as ten years. I was surfing around and found this cartoon pretty much at random. I watched it and thought it was funny. Something reminded me of it recently but “web cartoon with three models” didn’t work as a google term. So I was hoping somebody here might recognize it from my vague description. (A not unrealistic hope as I’ve seen people identify things with clues as sparse as “I saw a movie six months ago. Can anyone tell me what its title was?”)