If god is all powerful

If there is a god (hint hint theres not) and he is in fact all powerful, Can he create a stone which is too big for he himself to lift?

If he lifts it then he can not create a stone too big for him to lift. Therefore disproving him “all powerful”

If he does create a stone too big for he himself to lift then he is not all powerful. Therefore disproving him “all powerful”

Basic logic Deal with it faithful!!!

Holy shit. That just blew my mind.

My hands! They. . . they can touch anything BUT THEMSELVES. . . oh, wait. . .

If flaws in basic logic bothered the faithful, there wouldn’t be so many. They either ignore such problems or redefine the terms.

Wow, the intellectual ferocity of your argument has me stunned… stunned I say. I can’t believe that in 3000 years of debate, not one philosopher has ever come up with such a, hmmm…how should I characterize it, a logical tour de force.

Bravo man, Bravo. I doff my existential cap in your general direction.

Please explain good sir I dont understand what your getting at.

You’re assuming that this god is bound by our laws of physics. What if he/she can both make and lift large stones to infinity?

Not that I necessarily believe in such a thing, but just for the sake of argument.

If he can do both to infinity then he cant make a stone to large to lift or cant make a stone large enough that he cant lift it. Infinity can’t really exist because at some point you have to pick a number.

Okay, I pick seven. What now?

:smack: I was wrong. It’s next week that we English teachers are supposed to teach punctuation. I thought it was last week.

If God is all powerful, can he make a squared circle (other than a wrestling ring)?

Ok 7 units it is.

If 7 units is the highest sized rock he can create and can not lift it then he is not all powerful.

If 7 units is the highest sized rock he cal lift and can not create one any larger then he is not all powerful.

But my god goes to eleven.

God is crafty like that; He’ll pick one number, and then - when you aren’t looking - He’ll pick another one.

…And suddenly 3000 years of philosophy disappears in a puff of smoke.

I am still in high school and let me tell you that teachers do not teach punctuation. Every english teacher I have had sucks and has not taught how to write and spell properly.

I apologize for my punctuation and grammer. I realize that it really makes an argument seem much less valid when the writer can not understand the difference between to and too which I now realise I did on a few earlier posts.

I do not know about your God, but my god is not all powerful. In fact he is the God of very small nudges and random bad luck.

That is to say your arguments are old and silly and worn out. Perhaps you could bring something new and fresh next time.

Not that I believe in any all powerful God.



The whole basis of the argument was If god is all powerful …

Maybe I didn’t specify, but I was specifically targeting cultures who do beleive in gods having no limit to their power.

As for your opinion about my arguments… well that is just an opinion.

You should apologize for your spelling as well.

Then, since an apology is dependent on actually realizing what you’ve done wrong and why it’s wrong, you should learn about logic and then apologize for that as well.

The actual question, as posed by St. Thomas Aquinas, was:

Could God make a burrito so hot even HE couldn’t eat it?