If I had a Monty Python username, it would be....

A. Shrubbery

Mr. Wensleydale: Proprietor of the Cheese Shop. A great cheese by the way.
Venezuelan Beaver Cheese: The only fake cheese in the sketch.
Owl-Stretching Time: An alternate name that was considered for Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Nudge Nudge: wink wink, know what I mean, know what I mean, say no more, say no more!
Brave Sir Robin: Holy Grail of course.
Alms for an ex-leper: I got better.

**Nava ** are you sure you would not like The Spanish Inquisition, I guess you were not expecting that? :smiley:



Dennis Moore
Mrs. Premise or Mrs. Conclusion
The Rev. Harry “Snapper” Organs

Throatwarbler Mangrove

I came back in to mention **Here For An Argument ** and **Sacred Sperm ** (and noting the same thing you did about the first).

Who’s Moistened Bint?

I don’t remember that bit. Pray remind me.


Sir Gerald Nabardo has a pet prawn called Simon and you wouldn’t call him a looney!

But have you got a hat?

Come to think of it, Ex-King Zog of Albania would be cool, too.

**Lookout of the Yard

Detective Theresamanbehindyou**

Eric the Half-A-Bee

Møøse Bites, of course.

Confuse-a-Cat LTD

Yes, I got it at Harrod’s, but since I’m going into either banking or insurance I won’t be needing it.

What was the name of the guy who was leading the expedition to Mt. Kilimanjaro to search for last year’s expedition, who went there to build a bridge between the two peaks?

Oo! Oo! Dibs on JohannGambolputtyDeVonAusfernschplendenchlittercrasscrenbonfrieddiggerdingledangledongledunglebursteinvonknackerthrasherapplebangerhorowitzticolensicgranderknottyspelltinklegrandlichgrumblemeyerspelterwasserkurstlichhimbleeisenbahnwagengutenabendbitteeinnürnburgerbratwustlegerspurtenmitzweimacheluberhundsfutgumberabershönedankerkalbsfleischmittleraucherVonHautkopftOfUlm!

Singing Viking of Spam, while not labeled as such, would still be Pythonesque and my choice.

It’s from one of the albums, something about selling string. Monty Python’s
Contractual Obligation Album
, I think.

of course, as I’m typing this the entire skit comes to mind. Would that my brain (which hurts) could do that with actual work-related things.

I think Gwen Dibly would be nice.

It’s from The Final Rip-Off; a send-up of advertising called String. Really quite hilarious. I haven’t actually seen this one, but a very good friend gave me the CD, which has got much repeat play.