If I wrote an Onion article about the Mexican Border.....

I just had an Onion moment, when I read the headline in my newspaper front page this AM – President to send Guard to border.

My Dream Sequence:

“greasy wetback”?

They greased him up first, to make it easier for him to slip between the guards. :smiley:

Damn, I didn’t know that parody would be this tough.

This is all from my “dream sequence” where I read this story from a newsource, such as WorldNetDaily.


Sometimes I dream about reading WorldNetDaily. I usually call those nightmares, though.

Thanks, Sam; I’ve never appreciated The Onion more than right now.

“Red River Rover”? Is it possible you’re confusing the Red River with the Rio Grande? Even if the Red River were the right river, that would be weak, labored comedy, with an extraneous element interfering with and diluting the central joke. Don’t do that.

Better you should dream of reading the Weekly World News.

No, I started with the child’s game “Red Rover, Red Rover” and just winged it with “Red River Rover” as I thought it “sounded” right.

There are those who believe the Red River is an appropriate border for the United States. Texas? What’s Texas?

P.S. I want Sam to FedEx me immediately a sample of whatever it is he’s smoking. :smiley:

After rereading your post, I agree. I should have left it as “Red Rover, Red Rover.”

But what do I know? I had my sense of humor and timing removed to become a Mod… :slight_smile:

Well, I thought it was funny!

Of course, when I saw that headline, I thought they were being sent to Taco Bell…or the bookstore.

Just for a second.

Actually, when I read it I wondered how that one guard was going to patrol the whole border.

I’m surprised there’s any national guard left to call up that hasn’t already been sent to Iraq.


Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Channeling Condi’s usual bullshit:
“No one could have forseen a time when the president’s approval rating would be so far into the toilet that he’d have to DEPLOY GUNS AND BADGES at the border merely to prevent total erosion of his base.”

You should have known better, being a mod on a board full of nitpickers.

Oh, and it would more appropriately be “a line from Southern California to about Brownsville, TX.” Louisiana has no common border with Mexico.
Other than that, fine dream sequence.

I thought joke threads in the Pit were supposed to have a link to the thread they were mocking?

Maybe its okay because hes a moderator.

Dammit, I KNEW it.


What thread? samclem is mocking a newspaper headline, which he quoted in the OP. He’s also mocking George Bush and calling all people of Hispanic origin “greasy wetbacks” for some reason, probably because he’s a racist, but I’m not sure how he can link to either one of those.