"If There's One Thing I'm Not, It's..."


Elitist. Just because you think something’s stupid doesn’t make you an elitist.


There are 2.

…fat. How is size 6 (or size 7 depending on the store) and 130 pounds fat? Would you rather I looked like Nicole Richie, to a point where my hipbones could cut glass and it looks like I’m wearing my skeleton as battle armor? I have muscular legs. I’m a dancer and a soccer player. And I have a flat stomach. I fail to see, school skanks who prank called me last night at 3 am, how I am a “fat whore”.

…a dumb blonde. I may be blonde, but I am not dumb. Well, in the Math field, maybe slightly. But I like geometry. And I love to read Shakespeare, which is rare for a 16-year-old. So shut your trap, pathetic horndog from my homeroom who thinks he’s funny.

Oh, forgot one.

…a bitch. I’m just COMPETITIVE. So shut up, evil cousin in college, because one instance of me acting like an asshat in Scene It? does not classify me as “mean” and “obnoxious”.

…a ranter.

I say my piece and that’s it. No going on and on. No rehashing for days afterward. Hell, I’ll probably forget it in a month.

…Chevy Chase.

Dutch. Although that wasn’t meant as an insult, but by someone who didn’t read my username backwards.


A liar. If anything I’m too truthful for my own good; I’m terrible at little white lies.

Scott Moony. That one’s from way back; some kid that the school bullies kept mistaking me for and attacking me while yelling his name. He didn’t even look like me; I met him once.

able to give an answer to this.

I can be stupid sometimes. I can be aggressive and spiteful and hold grudges. I’m even kind of fat.

I guess “gay” is the only thing that fits in this topic, for me.


The expression on my face matches my feelings at the moment. The words coming out of my mouth are actually what I intend to mean, including “yes” and “no.” I will tell you what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling and why.

… passive-aggressive.

I don’t slam things around in another room and seethe, but then say “nothing” when someone asks me what’s wrong, and I really hate that behavior in other people. If someone asks my opinion, I give it. I don’t expect people to read my mind.

shy and reserved.

Stoned, high, drugged, drunk, or anything else (contrary to what my mother and possibly everyone who’s ever met me believes).


This trait was lost with my great grandfather, who actually used to build houses for a living. Ask me, my father, or my grandfather to handle tools and build something and you will not like the outcome.

An Australian haberdasher.

…a violent guy. Long ago, I used to yell and throw stuff, but I never hurt anybody. Now, I don’t even yell and throw stuff. I’m a big guy, and perhaps I look like somebody you shouldn’t piss off. It’s not so. I’m as gentle as a…something gentle.

… interested.

Thanks for that.

Forceful. (Or should I say outgoing? . . . decisive? . . . what?)

Der Trihs, I know where your username comes from but I had never thought to read it backwards. :smack:
