If you could do any one thing, what would it be?

It could be anything. Sex with a famous person (or multiples, like the Olsen twins), run a country, build a bridge, take a trip… anything.

The only restriction:

  1. It has to be possible. - no time travel, for example. You can’t travel back in time to win the Battle of Shiloh if that is your desire. You can’t live with dinosaurs, or slay dragons. You can’t see or speak to dead people. You get the idea.

When I say possible, I understand there has to be a bit of a stretch if you decide you want to have a threesome with the Olsen twins. But the key is they are alive, and for the sake of this thread, we’ll assume they’d say yes.
My choice:

I would love to be able to travel to the moon and return safely to the earth. I can only imagine how amazing it would be to see an “earth rise”, and I imagine the views during the trip would be breathtaking. And I’d love to walk around the surface of the moon and feel it under my feet. I can’t imagine anything more exciting.


If we’re keeping it somewhat plausible then here’s what I’d do. You remember the training montage sequence from Armageddon? The bit where the T-38 Pilot says something to the effect of “Your space flight is going to be a brutal assault on your senses. I’m going to give you a taste of that. I’m gonna flip you, I’m gonna spin you. And when you sqeal, I’m just gonna go faster and harder!” I want that ride. I want to loose my lunch supersonically.

Win the lottery when it’s in the hundreds of millions range. Then I could afford to do most of the other things on my list of things I’d really like to do.

Ah, that’s a good one!

I should have ruled this one out… it’s almost like being given one wish by the genie and wishing for a thousand wishes.

But, since I didn’t, the lottery win is yours.

Maybe I can throw a second rule in to not allow anyone to repeat someone else’s choice.


Somehow become a multi-millionaire or billionaire. I’ve had very in-depth conversations with my friends regarding precisely what I’d spend my money on. Sigh. A man can dream.

Wow - my dream is so small compared to you guys. All I want is to do is work at a career that I can enjoy (and not have any co-workers/management ruin it for me).

Just going to go with be a Billionaire.

Act the lead role, to critical and audience acclaim, in a successful major motion picture - which would lead to a rewarding career doing the same for the rest of my long life.

I’d like to take a dream vacation to Paris for a week. This would include sex with all the finest women, amazing food at every meal, and the finest of hotels. During the day I would see the sights, and there would be a few day trips to other local European locales. I would have a personal music sommelier to supply my various experiences with fitting tunes. (He would also provide delicious beverages.) Massages of any body part would be at my beck and call. There would be no annoyances, no snafus. The tour guides would be in touch with the French department of meteorology and make sure the weather was appropriate. At night before bed, I want to receive various lessons such as dance, etiquette, horseback riding, fencing, and love-making. It would be only the best for me, for one entire week.

My three wishes are, in no particular order, perfect health, great wealth, and true love. I’ll take any one of those.

I want my paintings to sell for millions of dollars. OK, I’ll settle for hundreds of thousands.

Yeah I’ll take those too.

It’d involve a lot of traveling and new food/drink/experiences.

So either some sort of situation where I’m fabulously wealthy or I’m a world expert in my field and travel extensively for projects. Perhaps both.

Yes, traveling. I wish I could be guaranteed a two month vacation every summer for the rest of my life. And ten grand - really, I’m not asking for much. Even five would do!

that was my instant thought.

Become a multi billionaire, and then devote money to research industries designed to improve human quality of life. Neuroscience research, psych research, medication and drug research, supplement research. Anything that’ll improve cognition and emotional quality of life.

Basically kindof like what Paul Allen (cofounder of microsoft) does. He’ll put $50 or $100 million into a research project to advance neuroscience. Projects like that.

I have never been anywhere and traveling would be what I would pick.

Box 12 rounds against Gabe Kaplan, beating the crap outa him.

Write one really good book, on the level of Gone With The Wind. One book that would make me famous for a long, long time.

Not that I want to be famous, but that’s how good I want the book to be.