If you could only eat 1 dinner every day for the rest of your life...

Pizza. It’s infinitely versatile and no, it doesn’t need to be a carb bomb.

One summer between college years I delivered pizza for a living. I ate nothing but pizza for three straight months. It was awesome. I did vary the toppings a bit.

Mom’s family traditional version of rischert - I tweaked it to end up one of my favorite comfort foods and it is a complete food pyramid with the addition of fruit salad for dessert [one of my favorite desserts]:
half a pound of mild italian sausage [loose, one is going to fry it up in water to cook it into puree] half a cup each [dry] northern beans, barley, 1 cup each celery, carrots and onions, 2 cups potatoes and 4 cups cabbage - all chopped to bite sized bits. Season with a handful of garlic, a heaping tablespoon of italian herbs and a whole bag of baby spinach [um, 14 oz?] Water or chicken broth to cook. It is pretty much a food pyramid in a pot, and that much works for 24 hours of eating - I would make it on the wood stove and that would be all my meals with fruit salad as the between meal snacks, and if I made bread, fresh bread.

Bread will probably be the only thing I won’t gag over every night.

Don’t know if I’m up to it, but I’ll let her try.

Am I cooking it or just naming the meal? If it’s just naming the dish, then lasagne. It’s not my favourite dish, but it’s up there and I wouldn’t get sick of it. Unfortunately, whenever I cook it, it takes forever. Even though a batch lasts for three or four nights, I’d still dodge the effort. On the other hand, if I was always making the same dish, I’d probably get a lot more efficient. Nevertheless, if I’m responsible for the cooking I’m doing chicken and rice.

If you could only start one thread for the rest of your time at the Dope… :smiley:

You’re just bitter because you missed out on the halcyon summer of 00! :wink:

Tough choice. Either pizza or sushi boat (assorted sashimi/rolls with salad and hot&sour soup).

Wow. One meal, the same meal everyday forever. It would have to be spaghetti and garlic bread.

Wraps filled with a vegetable medley including some kind of protein. I usually start by sauteing some onions in olive oil and adding other cut-up veggies and meat, beans or tofu in the order it will take them to cook. Favorites include mini sweet peppers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, and kale, but almost anything will do. Salt and a splash of vinegar are standard flavorings but then I use a range of other seasonings, from tarragon to cumin to curry powder to whatever else seems like it might complement the mix I’m making. Dump the veggies into a wrap, fold and eat.

I actually have been known to eat that for dinner every night, with few exceptions, for weeks at a time.

I urge people to consider ALL factors, in addition to what meal they think they would not get tired of. I’m no nutritionist, but I’m not sure hhow one would feel after weeks/months/years of spaghetti and garlic bread.

And my question involved whatever it takes to procure the meal. If you are eating out, then factor in the time/expense. If it is complicated and you are preparing it, consider cost, buying/maintaining ingredients, prep/clean-up time…

And, for the sake of this thread, please assume you are NOT fabulously wealthy, with staff who do your shopping, cooking, and dishwashing for you! :smiley:

Chicken, with rice and beans.

Those three ingredients can make a LOT of varied meals.

There are many kinds of beans, several types of rice, and a variety of chicken parts!

Veggie chili and pineapple pizza.

faints dramatically
All jokes aside, probably some nice hamburger casserole. Easy to prepare, many recipe choices to add some flavor, and quite cheap.

Yeah - that is basically where I am at - tho I generally eschew the chicken. Substitute frozen/canned veggies.
Beans, veggies, whole grains are good by me.

It’d be a tie between the traditional New England Clambake (steamed clams, baked potato with all the fixin’s, corn on the cob, boiled Maine Lobster), or a Sushi Deluxe meal (chef selection of sushi, with miso soup and salad)


Lit. “cooked in a pot”, exact ingredients are variable enough that it’s pretty much what I already eat when I’m by myself. Specific potajes with lastnames refer to specific recipes, but the basic idea is “carbs (taters, rice or pasta), protein (beans, meat or fish), maybe some of those things that have vitamins in them (vegetables; tomato sauce doesn’t count+ but chopped up tomato along with other veggies does)”. If that’s not acceptable, I’ll take cocido*.

  • Same idea but with both beans and meat OR beans and fish. Some heretics will even mix all three :smiley:
  • It’s ok to use it to fix an otherwise DOA potaje, but you’re not allowed to count it as one of the veggies. I know one Spanish cook who doesn’t swear by tomato sauce’s power to fix any dish, and he’s allergic to tomato.

Hey! That’s my line!

So yeah, another vote for pizza. :stuck_out_tongue:

Potaje huh? I guess that might be a classier name than “slop”!

Re: carbs - we recently found chickpea/lentil pasta. Great substitute IMO.
